Did anyone tried this Arctica troubleshooting guide Static Test before? BTW, 60F = 15.6degC
Can share with me.. I am still troubleshooting if my chiller is functioning properly.
Mine too ~25mins instead of the stated 5mins.
THANKS if anyone can take the trouble to test his arctica. My is a 1/5HP.
Static Test
Performing a Static Test will allow the chiller to operate without any external factors such as heat
load from equipment, volume load of water capacity, or pump water flow. The main purpose of
this test is to establish that the controller, relay, fan motor, compressor, and temp probe are in
working order without being linked to the actual tank set up.
Step 1
Turn off the pump that flows through the chiller
This test only requires the small amount of water already within the heat exchanger.
Step 2
Program the controller to 60F for the set point
Press the up or down arrow and hold until the number starts to blink, then release and press the
down arrow until the temperature on the controller reads 60F and then release. It will blink and
then the temperature will show a solid color. It is now set to 60F; it will take approximately 5
minutes or less for a functioning chiller to bring the temp down to 60F due to the small amount of
water volume in the heat exchanger.