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Everything posted by subxero

  1. All pumps give out heat... its a matter of more or less. However, it should not heat up the water too much or else it might affect the LS.
  2. Ha.. thats the "beauty" of pulau hantu
  3. Pulau Dayang also not bad.. more corals and fishes to see
  4. Could it be that pH is usually lower after lights off... and CR will push the pH of the main tank even lower
  5. I believe it is quite similar, just that the strength of "surface agitation" is different.
  6. Ideally it should be in the main tank. Temperature difference between the main tank and sump tank is minimal... unless your return pump is not working
  7. I find that a big fan is more effective than many small fans. The disadvantage of using fan is that it will cause water evaporation to occur at a very fast rate. Then sg become too high easily.
  8. By the way, I thought it is more difficult to raise water parameter such as pH, Ca, Mg with high kH? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. My kH is about 7-8 dkh and Ca about 340 ppm initially. It raise to an uncomfortable level (10dkh) and I had to turn off the CR for a few days and let the kH drop slowly by itself
  10. I've tried 2 brands. 3M and Loctite. For 3M, you can get from popular bookstore. As for Loctite, you can get from those large DIY stores such as homefix.
  11. same same.. Initially I only did a Ca test and happily add bio-cal thinking it only raise Ca, until one day I decide to check the kH and got shock I believe the reason for Tropic Marin to raise kH at the same time is because reef tanks deplete Ca as well as kH along with other trace elements.
  12. I've used AquaZ and D-D Reef Construction Putty Epoxy. Personally I prefer the D-D because it is purple in colour . AquaZ is good too but its white in colour and look a bit unnatural initally until coraline algae start to grow on it. An alternative is to use superglue gel. It can cure faster as compared to epoxy
  13. It is normal to get high reading for tap water. Mine is about 60+ I believe most of the reefers here used TDS to check if DI resin is exhausted.
  14. I'm using tropin marine bio-calcium to raise my calcium. I notice that bio-calcium not only raise Ca, it also raise kH. Or am I the only one who experienced this?
  15. IMO, you don't have to do anything. Just turn off your CR if you're using one. kH will drop gradually by itself
  16. Will skimming help in clearing up the water?
  17. Hi all, Did anyone tried to have a tank which contain only Fishes, LR and macroalgae? Some reefers here mentioned that grape caulerpa and some other plants do releases toxins to deter growth of corals. Would it be a problem to fish only tanks?
  18. Yup.. it is walking distance from Boon Keng MRT stn.
  19. Testkits are expensive, but imagine that if something is wrong with your water parameter, you'll be able to find out the problem and solve it. Rather than having to sit there and guess whats happening while your livestocks are slowly dying off. Replacing lifestocks are equally if not more expensive, and not forgetting the suffering that they are going through before their death. I guess having kH, No3 and pH testkit is sufficient at the moment
  20. Hmmm... Guess I'll have to wait for the next shipment.. I'll let my tank cycle longer
  21. Went to reborn today but did not see any seahorses.. Think all sold out already.
  22. Do take note that mh generates a lot of heat. Fans may not be effective to bring the temperature down under 29 degree
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