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  1. Hi evo do u hv chiller? What’s the temp of yr tank?
  2. Hi queen angel, how deep is yr substrate? What size is yr substrate sand?
  3. Why isit good to slope the return water frm filter compartment?
  4. Hi evoX yr new 12000L/hr jebao return pump is power. Something similar in Ehiem would cost how much & power consumption? concern is my new tank will not hv chiller.
  5. Thks Solo. For meds I used to use only anti ich for 7 days in qt.
  6. Thks AK. Where to get cupramine & prazipro?
  7. Hi evoZ may I hv ur tank maker contacts? hi admin team. Isit ok to ask for tank maker’s contacts here? pls advise, thks.
  8. I’m keen also on where to buy these fake corals & how much did u spend on your fake corals? as I’ll be starting a new tank I’m considering either fake corals or dead rocks. Any opinions shared will be appreciated. Thks
  9. With little rocks would yr fishes tend to “fight” amongst themselves? did u add all these fishes one shot together? cos if add batch by batch the old birds will terrorize the newbies?
  10. Hi queen angel. How’s your water change frequency, quantity? how do u treat your water prior to salt mixing? thks for advice.
  11. oso have those cone shaped ones, which are harder to remove... but lesser in quantity... daryl
  12. yup... looks like those in pic... though i caught 100+ of them during world cup period, still have many inside tank... daryl
  13. my tank is 422. i have a seio, not very strong one. pls see attached. did want to buy a tunze 6045, think it costs ard $145 at reborn. think now price gone up liao. is there a good place to buy tunze? daryl
  14. thanks onizuka. i see alot of MP10. is this the one which has the motor outside the tank, with only the propeller inside the tank?
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