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Everything posted by ong

  1. Hippocampus abdominalis or common name Pot-Bellied Seahorse. Need chiller leh.
  2. Can let us know which shop? 'Blk D' told me that they may import the AU CB breed next mth. but due to the poor respond (only 8 confirmed order so far) and the SH require low temp, he is still considering to go a head or not. The price I heard only 50-60 per pcs.
  3. Use live fresh water shrimp. Makesure is small young shrimp. Feed them with fresh water shrimp for a few days and slowly introduce frozen food to them. They should accept it.
  4. Best below 29oC, it also depend on breed.
  5. IMO, H.Redi is more easy to keep compare with Kuda & H.comes.
  6. Yo Bro, What colour? My turn to light yellow, near white. brought from Blk D. Is yours pair the same batch? Got picture to show?
  7. Hi Decentkid, hope to rec'd good news from you soon.
  8. OK, is WC & RB ah. That explained why the price is 3 Digits.....
  9. Agreed with Terry comments. 3 digits for a CB seahorse, the price is on the high side. I once got an WC red kuda from Iwa.... which cost me $7/pcs ofcos' that time still not control lah. Anyway, can PM me where is the shop? Just like to go down and take a look. If is ready nice & heathly, may buy a pair and try. Rgds
  10. Well done Chris! Nice colour too! Hope one day I can have a success like yours....
  11. Wah, keeping weedy SD need a large tank and not mentioning the water temp control......hope one day I can afford to have a pair......... Just sharing, a year back, I worte to a marine supply source that supply wild caught weedy SD. They replied me that the each pcs costed US10/- exculde all paper works and freight. Just hard to believe and only condition is that there a min purchase amt. of US$500 (exculde freight and paper works cost for export) per order. Anyway, hope our TMSI will lookinto SD breeding after the SH breeding poject......
  12. Green water means that the the water is fill with Phytoplankton. The colour of the phyto truned the water to green, that why ppl call it green water.
  13. H.breviceps, H.bleekeri !!!!! Do keep me in the loop Bro!!!
  14. Just back from there. Still have a lot of SH. Mostly H.Kuda & H.Comes. A lot of the H.comes are yellow in color... Price are very reasonable. Cheaper than the price that sold from reefer here...... . A few will be in labour this few days. If you are trying/thinking of breeding SH, is a good chance to buy.
  15. A hint for you. She is young, sweet & pretty.........
  16. Yo Chinmo, Don't think you want to exchange liao lah....... No mail from you leh? Anyway, if you hv the throught of selling some of your babies after 4 mth. Do let me know OKie..................
  17. Hi Bro, To what I know, Aq*****m Iw***a can bring in H.Barbouri and they are selling at S$12/pcs. May be you can talk to them or may be we can gather enought qty. and request them to import for us. Is much cheaper compare to some farm/LSF that are selling at 30-50 per pcs. Rgds
  18. Addictive! you tell me! My wife and my 3 kids been palying for years liao. Everytime they play, I just sit and wait for my turn to use computer but most of the time....wait until I fall a sleep!!!
  19. Hi Robotboy82, Believe you brought this SH at a very HIGH price! Sad to advise you that, the market price to what I know from an LFS (2weeks ago). A Pink Tips only cost S$12/pcs. Too bad I miss that shipment. Anyway, good luck for your sales. Hi Chris, me looking for H.Redi male leh...........
  20. Hi Chimo, As long as you can keep the tank temp not above 28oC at all time. Chiller will not be necessary. For me as my room temp is on the high side even using fan are not able to maintain < 28oC so best is to install a chiller. Rgds
  21. Hi Chris, all my male 'madi' one by one after giving birth. Can't find the reasons why? Just happen like that......anyway, I still have 5 ###### females looking for partner. Do keep a look out for me......Thanks!!!!! As for the enviroment setting is simple. DIY overflow system with lots of liverocks. A simmker, one return pum run thro' a UV than to chiller and back to main tank. Temp - 27 to 28 oC at all time. Food wise, fresh water shrimp, forzen mysis brought from wet market, mix with cyclopeeze. Used to enrich with selcon but not now. Once a mth. feed with live msysis catch from sea side. Water change, 30% twice a week.
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