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Everything posted by ong

  1. With small in qty. Your price will be rocket high! Not worth it. Try you local Fish shop. They should be able to help.
  2. Wah...nice , clean and colourful tank you have there, not forgetting nice horsey. Welcome to forum..
  3. Woooo.............nice work Chris! Keep it up Ok!!!! Infuture, we may need to buy from you.........home breed better that overseas CB
  4. Neve hear abt this asxathin product? Where in Singapore you can purchase?
  5. Hi Pagasus, thanks for you info. Is good for hobbies that are keen in keeping coldwater SH. By the way, you mentioned about H.Redi, should the ideal temp. be below 26oC? Will this help to increase the colour tone on the SH? Thks
  6. This batch only last a few days..... Anyway, will try again......... For pple that ready want to purchase the AU SH. Please note that potbelly and breviceps require low temperatures (16-20 degrees C), and the kuda should be kept 24-27 degrees C. This is ans. from AU supplier. Do take note.
  7. True but Pot require 17-23oC water temp or it may not be able to surive. I have wrote an mail to the AU to get more info. on Pot before purchase. Hope they can advise me with more information. Rgds
  8. Dun make me can....I just lost all my H.Redi flies today........
  9. SH Tanks is already my 2nd SW tanks liao. Now got 1 4ft mix reef, one SH and one nano tank and one FW small goldfish tank. 2 chillers running. Every Sat very siong liao. Buy a 2nd hand chiller, save $ for more SH. This is what I do for my SH tank.
  10. Water temp at 17-23 for Pot. Chiller require leh...... I change my avatar last night. No more angel fish liao. After seeing you posted the Pot SH, now considering selling all my currently H.Redi, Comes, & Kuda and re-setup for Pot only tank........... Must control...................
  11. Hippocampus breviceps or commonly know as Short Snouted Seahorse.
  12. The girl look more like H. erectus to me? Well Chimo Bro, still got $ for this Sat or not....
  13. Me too have such kuda before (red in colour) brought for only S$7 nia. Anyway, if SH from AU, I think all will require low temp., believe max temp you can have is not more that 26oC.
  14. Price too high leh. More than 100 per pcs. Not worth it. Hope to see you there
  15. Is Real. Species name : Hippocampus breviceps or commonly know as Short Snouted Seahorse. Hope some LFS/Farm can bring this species in. Hope Bro Real can joint too.
  16. US keeper try on SH fies but not a gd method loh. As you said, not nourishment, moreover, as 'boon' can't live long in SW, it will dirty the water n made more problem....
  17. Daphnia (or Daphnids) are members of a collection of animals that are broadly termed as "water fleas". If you lived in kampong before, you will know. As kid, we used to catch this thiny animals to feed small fish. Daphnia can't surive in sea water for more than 1 min. so is not a gd idea to have this for food for SH and is too small for them too.
  18. Try this link. You can find most of the species: http://www.seahorse.org/gallery/seahorses
  19. Blk D still have I believe, just saw last Sunday but is normal WC H.comes. S$20 per pair and 1 for 12.
  20. SH don't take GP. GP is for corals.
  21. S$3 per pcs for H.Kuda??? You sure? if so, I want leh..........
  22. Hi Real, Need more buyers. Min. 50 for them to bring in. I thinking of 2 pairs. And for Chinmo, invest a chiller....
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