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Everything posted by uyopong

  1. i believe uv sterilisation and ozoniser have different functions.depends on your applications. At 254nm wavelength lamp,correct wattage and flowrate,UV capable of killing protozoa/parasite and microorganisms Ozone are more to disinfections,it oxidises metals,pesticides,cyanide and hydrocarbons,bleaching,odour elimination,decolouration.almost same function as activated carbon in different process. so,i believe to have ur water in pristine condition go for ozone. control parasite and microorganisms with UV. UV sterilisation is the highest level of disinfection
  2. I bought a PBT too at Reborn last week or so.Maybe im still lucky that it still survive.i introduced the PBT and was harrassed by BT,sailfain and scopa for 2 days and im glad that all is ok now.Red bamboo definitely help.It do have whitespots too.garlic helps on that.
  3. Ervine, its 4N3D not 4D3N...heheh. anyway u got 2 nites at resort and 2 nites in the bus... actually its 3D2N..but they make it more interesting by adding the 2N in bus..
  4. I've been to redang for the past 6 years at least twice a year all DIY..means either by coach or drive. -if u with family, kids or gf go for laguna.berjaya also ok but expensive and isolated. -book ur return coach at Five star travel at golden mile complex. -secure rooms direct from malaysia agent. www.pinganchorage.com.my -if only diving is ur aim,go for redang kalong. -go during off peak,means u need to avoid malaysia school holidays and college holidays.best time for me so far is during ghost month.not much people and very relaxing. hope this helps.
  5. SimLim Tower do sell pre assemble LED. i think 30 LED presoldered on a strip ,also with acrylic tube and can chose colours. hassle free just get an appropriate DC adapter with correct rating and power up.
  6. I think u need to separate DC supply for ur LED and DC fan. I use 36 ultra bright Blue LED with 12VDC 800mA DC adapter. Always use resistor or u risk burning ur LED.Each Ultra bright blue LED rated about 3VDC and 20mA. For my moonlight,i connected 3 LED and 100ohm resistor in series and parallel with another 3 sets.total 9 LED with 3 100ohm resistor. Then 1 connect another 3 sets in series similar to first set, so total 9x4=36LED which need 36x20mA=720mA.So,my 12VDC 800mA DC adapter work quite nicely with no voltage drop and every LED lights up nicely.
  7. lupa nak inform. Sesiapa yg gunakan 1/2hp Reef relief chiller dan ada masalah kipas bising..saya tau model motor kipas dan dimana nak dapatkannya sebab saya baru tukar sendiri.harga motor baru 10 dolar dan blade kipas aluminium 1 dolar kalau plastic nam posen je..hehe...
  8. terimakasih atas kata aluan dan perangsang. tak sangka hobby mengambil masa dan tenaga yg banyak.yg terok sekali fulus. Tapi sekarang nampak nya dah ada kestabilan ..LR yg dulu warna hijau dan brown dah mula tukar keungguan...good sign nampak nya.so far saya guna kan RO water untuk to-up. Bebaru ni tanpa disedari paras kalsium mula menurun serendah 220...padahal masa saya cycle ok 400-420ppm.kenapa ya? terimakasih.
  9. hi guys, thanks for the advice.I did 20% water change yesterday.I managed to up the Salinity to 35 but the calcium i titrated only 228ppm.I'm not sure if the Red Sea salt mix is ggod enough. Alkalinity is 4.42meq/L. Appreciate ur help.
  10. hi, I'm using a swing arm hydrometer at home and all along i assume the salinity/sg was ok, reading was always 35ppt/1.026. But lab result shows Salinity at 28 or cond 43.8mS @22degC.(Hach) Alkalinity 3.71meq/L and Ca 280ppm.(Hach) Which one should i increase first? Calcium or Salinity?My target is 430ppm and 35ppt. thank you for ur advice.
  11. terimakasih brader yg beri pandangan dan nasihat,saya hargai. buat masa ini saya belum ada test lagi..mungkin akan beli juga laaa. Saya ada buat sendiri beckett skimmer tu ari...so far ok lahh...boleh skim jugak...tak la banyak mana skimate...mungkin belum ada loading lagik gak nya? betul ke braders? Lagi pun saya guna kan garam campuran bukan air laut...ada sorang maklap dia cakap garam campur sendiri lambat sikit nak ada skimate kopi o kaw,tu pun dia cakap..saya pun tak pasti. tentang water change...bila agak patutnya saya laku kan? sekarang ni dah hampir 3 minggu cycle.tentang algae warna hijau betul laa seperti brader Goldeh tooth cakap...tank saya dekat dengan tingkap...dah pasang blind pun ada jugak sedikit cahaya masuk...mungkin nak kena pasang langsir ropol agak nya. saya dah mula guna kan rowaphos sejak minggu pertama lagi.pH KH Ca Mg dan salinity pun within spec.mungkin nasib saya algae nak timbul juga...tapi saya tak patah semangat..masih banyak masa lagikan. dan tentang chiller saya tu ...dah confirm..memang kipas punya bearing dah lemau...nak kene tukar kipas motor. terimakasih sekali lagi.
  12. assalammualaikum, saya ternampak thread ini semasa 'browsing' di sini. Saya baru saja terjerumus dalam kancah reefing ni.Tank pun belom cycle betul tapi rasanya nak dekat lah..sebab ada damsel 3 ekor tu masih ligat lagik dah dekat 2 minggu. Saya nak tanya abang yang terer-terer kat sini...berapa lama agaknya nak cycle ni complete? Dalam minggu pertama,diatom berlambak lambak laa..pilu rasa hati menegoknya...lepas tu beli turbo snail 2 ekor ..dia makanlah...sekarang dah kurang 90 peratus diatom. Baru-baru ni timbol pulak algae baru warna kehijauan...hijauuuuu...tak la berapa banyak...dan juga cam thread algae di pasir..pun warna hijau...ok tak begitu? Saya tak gunakan MH...cuma T5 saja. Baru baru ni saya ada beli chiller...secong hand dari seorang reefer di sini...ada tak sesiapa tahu...anggaran kos untuk service chiller? Chiller ok...tapi ada bunyi sikit laa semasa dia cut in...kejap je lam 10 minit...lepas tu hilang...saya suspect mungkin kipas..tapi tak tau laaa...asal jangan kompressor dia ... terima kasih diatas nasihat brader nanti. oh yaa...tank saya 4 kaki...nak konsentrate ngan ngan soft coral dan mungkin sekor premium fish selepas tu.
  13. catfishes hehhe...use to flush 'em when it gets too big.
  14. Hi Sicce Extrema 2 days in water for $70 Resun CL280 Chiller for $130 pm pls
  15. Already got my nozzle. Thank u those who pmed me
  16. hi, anybody have one for sale or where i can get one in singapore?
  17. hi, this skimmer for how many gallon tank?
  18. hehe..i got all the units mess up.. its gal/hr or gph gal/L doesnt make sense right? apologies
  19. Thanks! Im not use to the terms used here as im new to this.Yupp my bulk as u guys termed it is 1" and i've connected my 1262 with 25mm pipe and and split to 2 20mm pipes(built-in overflow box with 3/4" and 1" holes at tank base) as to connect to chiller and main tank.So where can i dump the chiller output? into the main tank means i had to run another pipe outside main tank or can i dump it into the sump back?Sump size is 30x18x12"
  20. hi, what pump capacity do i need for 48x24x24 size tank.The return pipe is a single 1 inch piping to sump below. According to a website calculator it mention of at least 1100gallon/L ,can the 1" return piping deliver this flow without overflowing main tank? Is a 900gal/L pump be sufficient as i have a Eheim 1262 in hand. thank you for your reply
  21. if your booties size 9 to 11,regular size fins will fit you. Still available.
  22. 1) diabolus - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 2) hermit - 1 x L, 1 x xL (both black design 2) 3) weishun - 1 x M, 1 x XS (Both White Design) 4) pegasus1010 - 1 x M White Design 2, 1 x M Black Design 2 5) ahloon - 1 x XL, 1 x XS (Both Black Design 2) 6) hamannbmw - 1 x L Black Design 2 7) iori_del - 1 x L Black Design 2 8) livebait- 1 x L BD2 9) dleecool - 1 X L (Black design 1) 10) shoelevy - 1 x M 11) Kurt Cobain- 1 x XXL black colour...design 2.... 12) shawncel - 1 x L Black Design 2, 1 x L White Design 2 13) Peh - 1 x L 14) wave_r - 1 x XL White Design 1 15) shiraz - 1 x XXL? 16) Rapalla - 1 x L Black Design 2 17) Marinehobbist - 1 x XXL, 1 x L, 1 xM Black Design 2 18) Cheese - 1, L, White, Design 2, 19)lhraiders - 1 x XXL Black design 2 20) mwang - 1 x M White Design 2 21) prec - 1 X M Black design 22) kaykay - 1 x M. White. Design#2 23) rshut - 1 x M Black (Design 1) & 1 x M White (Design 2) 24) XPeriment 626 - 1 x XL, 1 x XS, both Black Design 2 pls! 25) Mars-1x XL Design#2 black 26) Lester - 1 X M design #2 White pls :thanks 27) aCe^bOwleRz - 1 x M black - design 2 28) ReDDeviLs - 1 x L, 1 x M - 1white and 1black design 2 29) zulu-lulu 1 x XL (both black) both design 30) ckevin- 1 x L (Design 2) Black 31) mUAr_cHEe 1 X XL, 1 X XS (Design 2) Black 32) acura007 1 x M, 1x S (Design 2) White 33) daimy068 1 x M (Design 1) White 34) LoReNsIa 1 x XL White (design 1) 1 x XL black.. (design 2) 35) Seafood 1 x M (Design1) Black 36) Zappy Kiwi 1 x L (Design 2) White 37) Clownfish 1 X M (Design 1) black 38) blueheaven 1xL (Design 1) white (would like it if can have nick at sleeve) 39) jonathan543 1xM white(Design 1), 1xM white(Design 2)(agreed wit blueheaven, preferred nick on sleeve... more personalised heheh) 40) Kaf 1 x S, 1 x M - White (Design 1) 1 x S, 1 x M - White (Design 2) (41)spawns - 1xL white(Design 1), 1xL white(Design 2) 42) Nautical - 2 x L - 1white and 1black design 2 43) Hotlemond= 1 x L, 1 x XS (black design 2) 44) borinz - 1 X L (Black design 1) 45)uyopong - 1 x M (Design 1) White 1 x M (Design 2) Black
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