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Everything posted by uyopong

  1. pls pm if anyone selling thanks!
  2. http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u20/uyopong/P1010011.jpg
  3. Hi, Change plan on my new setup. Selling brand new pump. 1.Red Dragon 12m3/h (bought from Reef Depot) - selling $1150 2.Aquamedic OR6500 (bought from sewatec) - selling $300 3.Used 0.5hp reef relief chiller(last service Dec06) - $250 pm me if interested. thanks!
  4. Hi, Change plan on my new setup. Selling brand new pump. 1.Red Dragon 12m3/h (bought from Reef Depot) - selling $1150 2.Aquamedic OR6500 (bought from sewatec) - selling $300 pm me if interested. thanks!
  5. M&B, Why the octogonal cover instead of the usual cicular one?
  6. I believe Strong base anion resin and Strong acid cation resin(hydrogen form) would be the choice for ur mixedbed resins. nitrate and silica mostly removed by the anion resins.
  7. uyopong

    Chengai Wood

    1 length would cost about 20+.(2" x 2").1 length about 12feet if not wrong u can get it at sungai kadut.
  8. Thanks guys, Had the Mg increased yesterday with epsom salts. The Mg now at 1400.KH and Ca still same. will monitor daily. Surprisingly,my zoo open bigger now. I don't know because of higher Mg or just coincidence.
  9. its the same value 1075 today and yesterrday. it seems doesn't change a bit. i did remember 2 months back the mg was about the same now.so i believe all along it was that value since. too engrossed to maintain my Ca and KH totally didn't bother about mg.
  10. I don't measure it daily,so would.t know. so, does the lower Mg have any effect on my system?
  11. i'm having Mg of 1075ppm.How can i increase to the requirement and maintain it? will dolomite in CR increase it overtime? or i need to dose Mg first and maintain it with dolomite in CR? i'm keeping lps and softies. the rest para: pH 8.2-8.3 KH 11 Ca 480 had tuned down CR
  12. Tusa liberator have prescription lens. the uncle at Lucky plaza can help u.Sgd120-140 the most.
  13. salam semua, dah lama saya tak post hehe....baru baik dari serangan virus denggi.orang NEA tu kata,botol untuk collect skimate saya boleh membiakkan larva denggi,saya cakap itu air masin,asal boleh aje mamat tu. oklah..saya nak tanya, ada tak rakan disini nak jual pam Eheim 1048 atau 1250? kalau tak ada..dimana boleh saya beli ngan harga yg termurah? terimakasih
  14. dr evil since u in woodlands same as me...2 dollars laa
  15. u would need at least 25 watts uv lamp for your 4 ft tank with a flowrate of about 660l/h. i've good result with it on my PBT (ich-magnet). good luck!
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