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Everything posted by uyopong

  1. no laaa ..this is last year one... fragged from a fren:whistle last saturday no budget
  2. wow...2 years ago i made the same mistake...too engross about pH. in the end realise the pH meter not calibrated. so make sure your meter register 7 in buffer 7 or if you use a pH kit, that its realiable one and not expired. measure your tank pH during photoperiod i.e a few hour after main light's on. but if you ask me...i rather spend my time stabilising these 3 parameters KH,calcium and salinity.
  3. yo...! kiri,kanang 14k tengah 20k semua blv bulb daaaa....
  4. this hystrix need intense lighting,otherwise will brownout
  5. yg overgrown,yg brown-out kena block lmpu...semer dah humban daaaaa....
  6. wa dah fedup ngan coralline algae la beb...tumboh merata tempat....tu blakang tank wa baru kerik cam nak rak siak...
  7. tank wa lepas rescape dan make-up...make-up.
  8. satu kali jln beb....chiller,skimmer, dan cr...
  9. laaaa... lu masih pakai spender lagik?...w ingat dah start pakai pampers....
  10. boboi...ari sabtu ni shipment wak semit...lu nak pegi borong pegi laaa....wa tak marah... :lol:
  11. looks like a birdnest frag. i had a similar frag 2 yrs ago...looks like this..
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