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Everything posted by surfedelic

  1. Side view 2 soft coral buddy buddy ....one pinkish brown tip and the other green tip ..I very worry one day it will grind its tentacle into minced pork .. if the tentacles ever sweep into the tunze ...
  2. Luminuous centre blastos about the size of a 20 cents coin - paid a hand and a leg .. ... will never commit the same mistake..
  3. Tis piece one of my fav - orange tips ... chuck in one corner nobody buys ....I came to rescue ... The color is very faint green - the capture pic couldn't do justice ... turn out too strong green
  4. Tis guy - dont know what name also .... looks like it is bleaching ... but it looks slight tint of blue ... need some opinion..
  5. Blue milli ... sometimes with red and blue edge
  6. Pink digi from a kind reefer - got some burn tip from the neighbours
  7. This guy got it from Jn_p ...blue green acro with blue polyp ... the tip sometimes turns blue when water condition is favorable ..
  8. Tis piece - don't what acro ... look like a milli ...with purplish edge ...
  9. I think it is hyacintus ... if I am not wrong. when bought it was a very light pink and some branches was RTN I can even notice it ... Recovering quite slowly and turing into a darker shade with slight purplish tip. The picture couldn't capture it very well
  10. Managed to snap a few more pic.. Orange digitata .... growing pretty ok - not too slow
  11. Thanks for the comment. Saw your thread regarding your hesitation on 250W DE We could exchange note if you are using that .... I have this setup for about 4 months already 250 W 14K - previously was using 250W 10K lighting ... but then too yellow ... sometimes I switch to 150 W DE 20K .. and I dont find any difference ... dont know whether my eyes playing trick on me .. but then the bulb was not burn in yet ...now i think it should be burn in by now .. I still dont find any difference ... though i got to admit the growth is better. Your T5 setup might do likewise to me .. wouldn't mind switching gears to T5 Yah i think your super skimmer should have no problem adding a few more kole .... Currently my tang rather lonely after I sold off my Lemon peel - this guy was beautiful until its appetite change and go for the sps ... flame angel I still miss it ... mime passed away hungrily ..because my auto feeder run out of food for one week and I din notice it ... I think it starve to death .. I stop using it after that. poor fish ....due to my busy schedule. I saw one kole at LCK ... for awhile already ...color shade pretty clean ..but quite big ...about 3 inch if it suits your tank - you might want to take a peep
  12. I think your lighting is more power than mime ....since your depth is about the same. I think your spread and growth should be better right ..... as i always felt like adding another 150W 10K to accelerate the growth .. as it is very slow for most of the coral .... How wide is your tank ?
  13. I was using instant ocean for some time until it run out of stock .. then bought coral life after I read some guys using it for sps also .... hmmm now that you mention it maybe it was my salt mix ... because I don't remember having this feel the last time ... only recently as i changed the salt mix I agree the chevron tang .. damn chio .... the price also damn chio .. was thinking of a kole ... not sure whether they are good in these algae or a sally light foot crab ...
  14. What I meant the freshly prepared salt mix usu have a smooth feel whereas my tank water doesn't feel smooth when rubbing between fingers -it is like when there is too much cal in it ..as this substance is supposed to be chalky in nature ... I din know a chevron is an effective valonia eater ! Thanks for the tip .... will look around .
  15. Glad to know we came from the same school.... Curently I am testing my system to see how well it is handling the filtration ... i feed at least 3 cube of frozen brine shrimp - sometimes going to 4 cube per day to my coral .. whereas my fish eats flakes ... Notice a few valonia popping up here and there but very minimum and black aglae (leathery-like aglae) also not noticeable. May need to get a rabbitfish to add up to the cleaning crew. Diatom on the glass still ok about 3 days if the feeding maintain at 2 - 3 cube. The tank water doesn't feel slimy at all ...even when compared to fresh sea water-mixed.... not sure whether it is overskimming. Wonder whether others who uses big skimmer had the same issue.
  16. Nice tank. Does your rabbitfish nip at the corals ?
  17. It is not anemone - it is something like sea slug - can't remember the term off hand. You better siphon them fast they are eating your coral real fast .. they propagate very fast as well .... you can see the tips of the branch at their backs are luminuous because they come from the coral they eat. make sure you remove every single one of them.
  18. Thanks Jimmy. Can't agree any better with you that a bigger tank need alot of resources both time and money to overdrive it ..
  19. tansh, The lighting is hanging about 11 to 12 inch .. to make full use of the Giesemann reflector as the area covered is 2 x 2 ft ... but there is one coral in the centre experienced bleaching due to too strong lighting - And the merulina on the top left hand is not getting enough lighting - was thinking of moving the lighting higher up. WL, My equipment is very messy at the moment - all at my balcony area ... so wife wont complain .. Becasue didn't plan properly in the begining. Will be doing a cabinet soon once I get the right contractor......
  20. DB, i have the same piece as moronclown - i think he posted the pics. I will see if I could take a shot. lightningstrike, The specs is as follows : Hardware 1) H & S skimmer 850 litres cap (can't remember the model). 2) Teco Chiller TW6 3) 1 x Giesemann Nova modified from 150W to 250 Watt DE 14K phoenix bulb. 4) Aquasafe RO water auto-topup from a DIY circuitry control by Solenoid 5) DIY square Cal reactor with 6.5 litres Co2 6) Tank size 2' x 2' x 13" 7) Fox controller adjust at 29 degrees 8) 1 x 6060 tunze controller 9) Aquamedic Denitrator 400litres 10) 1 x 2 ft sump with no refugium 11) FR PO4 reactor Chemical properties 1) PH - 8.2 2) Cal- 420 - 450 ppm 3) KH - 9 - 10 dkh 4) NO3 - non detectable 5) PO4 - non detectable Livestock 1) 1 blue tang 2) 1 cleaner shrimp 3) 1 orchid dotty 4) 1 mantis shrimp 5) 5 turbo snail 6) 1 sea urhin The coral I will try to post some pics in case I name them wrongly.
  21. WL, Still learning stage lah from you folks ... Partly due to the small volume of water .. with my oversize equipment - I could adjust the parameter very fast once it is offtrack but with bigger tanks like yours it is a different ballgame all together
  22. The tunze feels like taking it out at times because spend alot of time readjusting once i removed it for maintenance. Need to position it properly to make sure the curent are not directed at the corals. Last time used to blow directly onto a table - lost part of it after fragging ... I believe you could arange some piping underneath the sand bed for current you could archieve great movement of water as well - no need tunze.. Looking to do that for my next tank ... preferably a sand bed which can be maintain very easily with undergravel piping ..
  23. Thanks sis. It is nothing compared to some of the great reefer's tank. Hope to see more pics of your tank for inspiration
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