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Everything posted by surfedelic

  1. The tank is brand new not used yet - becasue wife don't like the design. The tank is designed for a reverse flow - water pushes up from the sand bed - so that no detritus will accumulate at the bottom. It is coupled with overflow and underflow. It is made with the idea of easing the water change - no siphon is necessary. The piping you can see are all German stuff. Selling off at 900. Can contact me for viewing. Transport wise not included.
  2. Do you keep any angels or butterfly ? Suspect some fishes are nipping on it ..
  3. I believe you have to cure the rocks properly ...otherwise it will leech PH ...causing your tank PH to shoot up..... alot of work ....some leave it to cure for 6 months ... ... I believe your patience will payoff.
  4. Hmm....sounds logical that the lobo was the injured party. I agreed strongly with you that the recovery for the lobo was super fast - the next day all the thread-like stuff was gone.
  5. Discosoma vs Lobophyllia I think the lobo will win. I have similar experience with lobo stinging my merulina (not sure spell correctly) - the merulina was badly injured, exactly the thread like stuff you have shown comes from the lobo. But I noticed something interesting - frogspawn has no effect on Lobophyllia and even the frogspawn doesn't sting the lobo too. Not sure if others have the same experience.
  6. DB, It is just you - after looking at your tank ... it is so jam packed .... it makes me jealous Do you glue your sps on the rocks ? Any problem having sps falling on your LPS ?
  7. Sorry for the late reply. I am letting go at 70. Thanks for the interest. The lobo already reserved.
  8. Nice tank but your clam is sleeping ahh ...
  9. Sorry currently digi cam borrow to inlaw - so can't take any picture. Got a sample pic - color wise the same http://www.thereeftank.com/photopost/data/...n1503pic6RB.jpg Uniform red and the mouth centre red is more intense.
  10. Have a large Red lobo for sale. Size about 7 inch by 10 inch . Interested party can pm me. rdgs.
  11. I thought all clams take nitrate regardless what type of clams basically they take nutrient from the water. The only thing to take note is your calcium level becasue clams suck calcium pretty fast ...... if yor calcium drops -- your ph will drop and all your livestock will go up to heaven.
  12. Somebody calling my name ? This fish had been with me for 1.5 - 2 years before I sold it. Yes the price is steep becasue I bought it at a high price when it first came in. I like the fish very much .... it doesn't even attack clams, feather worms ...- it will nip slightly at my sps but no damage done though. My tank is almost 80% sps ... otherwise I would have take back the fish. If anybody looking for angels this is definitely worth considering.
  13. Veri impressive red stag Can I take a queue number ?
  14. Your starpolyp will outgrown and kill your acros. I sold all my star polyp in my tank.
  15. My company have alot UPS sort of chuck one side but they are 120 V type as it was meant for a mexico plant which just tore down .. and there are like 20 of them at least .... I think it is the SMART 1400 model ... but the problem is the input/output are all in 110/120 V - I am just wondering if it ok if I buy a stepdown transformer to connect from the mains to the UPS and then buy another step up transformer to connect to my pump ... do you guy think it will work ? I just need to power up my pump for the circulation that's all.
  16. Keep photos coming .... great tank .... Ricoh ..got quite good macro capability ....tested one
  17. Wow ... rainbow colors .... BTW interesting to hear how your flow operate But your tank looks very tall ... or your fish very small ??
  18. How about if get use a Car batt and a DC-AC converter .... does it works ? If it works then get a Solar panel .... put in my balcony charge up the Batt during normal days
  19. You check around some of the thread - usu when one clam goes into spawning mode the rest will follow - it is survival. You should start changing the water maybe 20% because it will pollutes your water very fast. Use Carbon to absorb the Ammonia in your main tank or remove the clam which is spawning so that you could control the pollution. Your nitrate will boom in no time - so advice is to carry out check on your nitrate level - if it is very high ... you should change the water about 10% every week to push it down. Hopes things are alright now.
  20. Nice ...tank ... full of potential.
  21. Flat worm are not reef safe. It is advisable to remove them if you spot them. Just use a plastic tube and siphon them off.
  22. Like your pulley system .....nice design.... I think your stags are getting wild ...
  23. Geez... your macro skill .... is superb .... maybe you should consider part time marine photo shooting
  24. Like that also can swim small buttock and big head ...... ... really puzzling
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