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Everything posted by honkit

  1. How long did your last a.macrostoma last? As we are on the subject of fussy SPS corals, in particular the Fiji and Aussie types, I will start another thread on it.
  2. A. macrostoma? I see it being sold in liveaquaria.com as part of their aussie sps shipment at times. http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+2&ddid=147989 Are they somewhat like gemmiferas and monticulosas which demand super high water turbulence and lighting?
  3. Yes, at that time only Paradiz Reef brought in SPS corals. Why was it called kitkat?
  4. For those of you who were SPS reefers in the mid 00s, there was talk about a particular species of SPS coral (from Fiji) that always succumbed to RTN in any tank. Hence, it's nickname of "RTN King"! Here's a photo of it in one of the reefer's (scarab) old tank (see below) - it's the whitish one behind the purple valida. Anyone knows what species it is?
  5. Stable water parameters are key to a true octopus coral as they are more sensitive than the more common but less luminous cousins. I also find low phosphate levels makes the green colour "pop" more and any brownish colouration diminishes significantly.
  6. Wah, nice new LED lights! How's the coral colouration compared to your old T5 lighting?
  7. A closer look at the centre and right side
  8. Importation of stony corals are illegal in Thailand. Actually, the majority of those nice SPS corals in the pics are from Singapore.
  9. Thanks everyone. I got the purple humilis from the last Walt Smith Fiji shipment at Iwarna on Christmas eve last year and only bought one as I wasn't sure if I could keep its purple colour. It's positioned at an area of my tank where the water turbulence is the strongest. I will buy a blue humilis and a green humilis from the next Walt Smith shipment.
  10. Fiji acropora humilis, german blue digitata and montipora setosa in their own little corner. Unfortunately, the bird's nest frag next to them isn't doing too well with a bleaching episode.
  11. Tank update as of today - I have added a few more SPS corals since the last update.
  12. There's no ideal dkh levels although the zeovit users would suggest a lower dkh value of 7 or thereabouts. The only consideration is the stability of your tank's dkh level i.e. it should not fluctuate by more than 0.5 daily.
  13. My god....your chalices are out of this world with such insane colouration!!!! Your setosa growth is stupdendous Do share your tank and equipment specs.
  14. Another new addition - an LPS coral this time, aussie scolymia (bleeding apple)
  15. New addition....fibre optic poccilopora frag
  16. Fire and Ice montipora digitata and chili red millepora
  17. This frag has grown a fair bit....german blue digitata
  18. Red planet frag....encrusted somewhat with a whitish base
  19. Montipora setosa.....can't seem to get the shot right with this frag
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