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Everything posted by Fren

  1. Fren


    Thanks to all frenz for advice again on the size of tank. I do have a 3 ft tank. I tot that for a starter, I need to begin wit a small tank b4 upgrade to bigger tanks. Now i know that the bigger the better. Usually, I logged on to internet once or 2 time a week and therefore led to delay in replying the threads. Reali sorry to all.
  2. Fren


    Thanks to all frenz here for the advise n info given. Now I know that marine fish cannot mix with frehwater fish. I m setting up a 2.5 ft marine tank. Hoping to adopt some fishes for my tank, any1 have, do pm me. ur kindness wld be greatly appreciates.
  3. Fren


    i m newbie. i hope to mix marine with abit of fresh. Any suggestion such a arrangement is good or bad? I dun mind adopt damsel, but how big will it grow? thanx
  4. Fren


    Jst join as new member, I hope to adopt some fish such cardinal tetra, cory etc or any other. If you have some fish to give away for adoption, do pm me. I will come to your side to collect.
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