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Everything posted by iantoh

  1. hi perc, i'm interested in the blue goniopora. may i ask if its dyed? and how longs its been with you? if it isnt dyed, and theres no tissue recession, id like to buy it from you. thanks, ian
  2. hi lightning strike, i only have some red zooanthid frags to give you but i hope thats good enough. would really love to try out some sps frags as i cant usually afford to buy full colonies. i am available to pick it up tonight, at any time, so pls sms or call me at 9-028-4368. thanks alot, ian
  3. hi all, dont have a digi cam at the moment but shall try to borrow one and put some pics up of my sun coral colony thats really thriving, largely due to the fact that i feed each polyp three whole pieces of mysid shrimp daily. also, i have a single polyp of another coral thats very similar to the sun coral but only occurs singly, the balanophyllia, which i spotted on a piece of coral and bought the coral just for that. anyone else has balanophyllia too? attached is a photo of balanophyllia in the wild. mines not so florescent and a lot more clear orange but lovely all the same. cheers all, ian
  4. hi fuel, thanks for your comments. thing is, it isnt that i dont have conditions conducive to copepod establishment within my tank, but that over time, my ocellate dragonet has fed on them to the extent that their colony has dwindled and through the course of a year, my tank is almost devoid of them now (except for some amphipod grammarus). my tank is established as it is and i have no wish to add additional rocks or livestock because i quarantined my initial batch of rocks and removed all the crabs and worms and snails that hitchhiked in saving only those that i wish to introduce to my sandbed, such as certain sebellid worms. so i would rather not disturb things and am hoping rather, to find someone who has a sump or tank with a thriving population of copepods and amphipods so that i may procure some and culture them separately. would you know of anyone that might be able to help? thank again for replying. cheers, ian
  5. hi everyone, if your tank has thriving population of copepods or amphipods, and youre willing to siphon or collect some out for me, i would like very much to buy some. thanks, ian
  6. hi weishun, http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm heres a link to a pretty good article about deep sand beds and the general denitrification process that occurs in our aquariums. check out the thumbnailed photos of the sendbed cross section that bro melvyn was referring to. in any case, my two cents worth to summarise things for you. think your sand surface bubbles are more likley the result of photosynthesis by diatom algae that denitrification because for a four inch sand bed, the top two inch and a half is colonised by bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate; it is only in the lowest inch that anaerobic conversion of nitrates to nitrogen and oxygen can take place. hope that helps. think your sand bed and sump looks decent anyways. probably just raise it to five inches in height to be sure. and oh, add a flat teaspon of sugar into your tank water. bacteria use up sugars as energy when they denitrify in the same way all food is converted to sugars in our bodies before we can metabolise- they use up nitrites and nitrates by actually breathing it in, the same way plants breathe in carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. adding a little sugar will create a bactrial bloom that will make your tank cloudy for an hour or two, but after that, those bacteria that can be sustained by your tanks wastes will remain. pls dont overdose though. cheers, ian
  7. hi everyone, i have three medium sized spiny astrea snails bought at $4 each from Henry at marine life hobbliest, and i would like to know if anyone would like to swop any coral frags for them. any corals will do as i'm just keen to increase the biodiversity of my tank. white and pink tubeworms are welcome too. To put things in perspective, i'm not looking for anything great, even a broken off acro branch or chipped off polyps of xenia or whatever will do. i'm really just looking to give my astrea snails away in exchange for any odd thing that i can try out in my tank. thanks all. ian
  8. hi i am interested and would like to view the canister filter. pls tell me the address where i may do so. thanks.
  9. hi all. just my two cents worth. they're actually yellow variants to goniopora sp. though these are certainly more rare. along with the dying of anemones to render them more saleable, gonioporas have been known to be dyed too, but like bro RAV-65 said, these are usually easy to distinguish with the dyed colours being very bright, or the rockwork being stained too. pls check these pics out, especially the yellow one off Queensland Australia- http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gonioporapix.htm cheers all
  10. hi everyone, my dream impractical fish would be a rainford's butterflyfish. http://www.austmus.gov.au/fishes/fishfacts...crainfordi2.htm
  11. hi.. im sorry but i cant really identify the purple or purple and green yumas in the earlier picture you posted. can i pls have a look at another pic of them as im very interested in purple yumas. thanks alot, ian
  12. hi cjack, my name is ian and you can sms me at 9-028-4368. i would like to buy your yellow sponge if it is still available. i'd also like to know how long its been with you, and if you can pls bag it without taking it out of the tank or exposing it to air. thanks alot. contact me via sms and i'll come by to collect it. thanks alot. cheers, ian
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