hi fuel,
thanks for your comments.
thing is, it isnt that i dont have conditions conducive to copepod establishment within my tank, but that over time, my ocellate dragonet has fed on them to the extent that their colony has dwindled and through the course of a year, my tank is almost devoid of them now (except for some amphipod grammarus).
my tank is established as it is and i have no wish to add additional rocks or livestock because i quarantined my initial batch of rocks and removed all the crabs and worms and snails that hitchhiked in saving only those that i wish to introduce to my sandbed, such as certain sebellid worms. so i would rather not disturb things and am hoping rather, to find someone who has a sump or tank with a thriving population of copepods and amphipods so that i may procure some and culture them separately.
would you know of anyone that might be able to help?
thank again for replying.