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Everything posted by chrisyew

  1. Juz bought these 3 pcs. I'm not so sure if different colors of Yuma or Mushroom need different placement in the tank - bottom and away from light or top with more light? 1. Pink Yuma? Bought this one at $3 and not so sure if it should be at the bottom of tank; 2. Green Yuma? Bought this at $4 a pc, so total $12. Should it be at the top becoz it's green? 3. Red Mushroom and what you call it? Don't understand why is it so expensive at $12? The shopkeeper told me to place near the light as it needs more light. Is it true? Thanks and pls help.
  2. I've tried looking for around 5 to 6 lfs including C328, polyart and some shops in Pasir Ris fishfarm still couldn't find your 2 U-connection and that T-joint of that size. Are your U-connection joined by 2 L-tube? Most L-tubes available at the lfs cannot be joined together as they are of the same size. Do you mind telling which lfs you buy from? The top U-join, is there an outlet for priming? As the photo can't see clearly. Thank you.
  3. Thanks. Can show some photos of your sump?
  4. Thanks. What is the flow rate / power of the return pump? What brand is that?
  5. Thanks. Guess I'm beginning to understand more.
  6. Well guess phosphate remover like Rowaphos or Aquaz Purphos are also 'iron xide based', see article below; http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/june2004/review.htm So if the screw is iron, then should be fine.
  7. Interesting. Is this an overflow pipe or need a submersible pump to suck water out? So from your diy sump, do you need another pump to suck back the water into the tank? Can tell where you get the parts of your diy pipe? If possible pls show more photos of your out, in pipe to the sump and also photo of your sump. Thank you.
  8. Guess remember reading some articles some reefers purposely put some iron screw to remove phosphate. Ain't some Phosphate removers made of Iron too?
  9. HAHA, so I'm really not alone having such thoughts. All the while, I thought I'm the onli one having such 'bad' eyesight! That's the main reason why I'm so reluctant to buy test kits hehe.
  10. I guess you are not alone - that's the reason why I hesitate buying all these test kit as I'm also having trouble in differentiating the color especialy if they are the same color of different shade. So far, I'm onli having the Tropic Marin Nitrite/Nitrate test kit.
  11. Read this on one of the forum; http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...threadid=609515 So has anyone tried using steel wool to reduce phosphate? Is it effective?
  12. Thanks bro, will try out your method.
  13. Thanks bro, that's really a great help and good infos.
  14. I've this green slime algae growing and spreading along the sandbed and the lower part of the glass. Nitrate : 5mg/l Nitrite : 0.1mg/l Sorry, that's the only test I can carried out at the moment. Lights are on for 8hrs per day. I also have this Seachem PhosGuard in my HOB. 1. Besides reducing feeding, reducing light on period, RO or DI; what other measures can I take? 2. Even those turbo snails dun even bother to eat it. Any good algae eater to recommend that will eat it? 3. It's difficult to remove them by hand or siphon it out; any good idea to remove them maually? Thank you.
  15. Thanks bro for the detail infos. Sorri, but there is something that I still dun quite understand - hope you dun mind; 1. You mentioned "black dry skimmate contains a very high of N and P, "; So if my skimmate is wet - does it still skim off the Nitrate and Phosphate (if N and P mean Nitrate and Phosphate)? Though it may not be as much as dry skimmate. 2. Wet skimming also allows you to remove tiny particles(POC) - May I know what POC stand for? Thank you.
  16. Hi Eric, Thanks for the advise. Do you mean the water level below the collection cup? Setting it lower also means raising the skimmer higher right? Mine is the cheap cheap one - those with air pump driving a wood block to bubble type. Will such cheap skimmer still give coffee black skimmate?
  17. Can I say that the protein skimmer is to skim off protein and other organic waste in the tank? - May I know what causes the skimmate to be coffee black in color and what is these coffee black stuff actually - protein or just organic waste? - If the color in the collection cup is yellowish in color, does it mean that it only skims off the protein but not the organic waste? And in this case, does it mean that the skimmer is not effective as it doesn't skim off the organic waste too? Thank you.
  18. So can I say there is no such thing as White Prata but juz bleached prata and it's not advisable to buy it?
  19. Hi, That helps and guess I've overfed too much. Will watch my diet hehe.
  20. And they are even prettier than the real females.....
  21. May I know what will be the 'side effect' if there is an overdosage or overfeeding of the phytoplankton? Will it cause green algae to grow in the tank especially on the sandbed? (assuming the protein skimmer is not as efficient or in the worst situation)
  22. I think I saw some very white and beautiful ones at the shop at Jalan Kayu few days ago. I must admit that it's really beautiful and I'm really not sure if it's bleached. Maybe those who are experienced can take a look over there and see if it's really white prata.
  23. Thanks guys! BTW I bought this Black Sun Coral from I-Aquarium at Pasir Ris. Same price as my Orange Sun Coral hehe.
  24. Bought this and it started to open up after 1 day of target feeding. With flash;
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