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Everything posted by chrisyew

  1. The pump used is the Ehiem Compact 300 - delivering about 300 l/hr.
  2. The Nano Skimmer and Sump is left standing on the back of my 2ft tank. The design is to save space and as I don't wish to have another sump tank below and doing those piping. The other side view shows the outlet from the Nano Sump. The micro bubbles are totally eliminated.
  3. Now the Nano Stand On Back Sump. The Nano Skimmer will sit in the Nano Sump.
  4. This DIY Nano Stand On Back (SOB) Skimmer and Sump is meant for my 2ft tank. In my previous DIY Skimmer, I realised that if the outlet is directly from the skimmer, there will be micro bubbles flowing back into the main tank since I'm not using any sump. Thus I decided to have a Nano Stand On Back Sump for the Skimmer and at the same time, reduced or eliminate the micro bubbles back into the main tank. At the same time, in the Nano Sump, I can also put a bag of PurePhos + Carbon (optional) or have a mini refugium. Here is the Nano Skimmer;
  5. He is talking about the reflective OYAMA paper for the light hood, not the tank.
  6. U may try to get it from those artshop in Bras Basah, I can't remember what is the name of the shop as I've been to quite a number there.
  7. For 8W, the size of the lightset is 21 x 32 x 343mm. The price is $11 inclusive of white tube. The blue tube is $3 and white tube is $2. The pictures at my site still there leh. I've tried actinic blue but not so blue also. When I use the T4 20W for my 2ft tank with juz 1 tube and it's blue enough.
  8. Now they do have such nano skimmer like Fission skimmer; But need to find a smaller size and power pump. Even 300L/hr seems too powerful leh.
  9. Price list very long to type. Best to tell me what you want first.
  10. Alreadi PM you. What sizes you want? I got the price list with me.
  11. Nice setup. Are you using any skimmer or juz a HOB?
  12. Whole set is about not more than S$80 I think including my manhour hehe including all things like light tube, acrylic, interconnecting wire, etc.... Haven't really calculate the price yet as I'm not rushing to do my DIY NANO skimmer. The part I hate most is sourcing around for the right size material to minimise cutting and drilling. No soldering required. The most difficult part is pasting the OYAMA reflective paper on acrylic and the chipboard - which I hate most and can't really do a good job.
  13. Thanks Melvin. Yep, these are for luminating those signboard. If they are ard 6000K or 6700K, think it's alright for small tank as the depth is not too deep for them to penetrate in. Yes, real cheap alternatives as tube replacement onli a few dollars hehe.
  14. I'm using 3 X T4 8W light tube for my lightset; http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44462 Here is the light tube set with the electronic ballast built-in and it comes in white or blue color tube. I'm using them for my 5 Plan L-size tank measuring 40cm x 25cm x 28 cm (H).
  15. Sad to hear that Blueheaven...whatever it is, I'll respect your decision. Actually such things happen in most other forums as well, juz learn not to take it too hard or personally. Try not to quit from here as we will miss you unless you are preparing for the coming election hehe. Take care and a Happy Chinese New Year!
  16. Thanks cci[RR]us! The best part is the light tube costs onli a few dollars to replace (same goes to the blue tube as well). But how the color temp. like, I really don't know. But for such a shallow tank, think it's ok. As for the ventilation, the are 2 gaps near the 2 sides which are large enough for air to circulate;
  17. The completed set; The side view;
  18. The tank is a normal 5 Plan L-size tank measuring 40cm x 25cm x 28cm (H). So the lenght of the tank is approx. 15.7" and it's rather difficult to get T5 light for such small tank size especially the blue tube and also difficulty in getting tube replacement. So I decided to DIY a light set for this 6G tank (about 6.34 US Gallon) using T4 light tube. Length of T4 tube is : 343mm Power of each tube is : 8W Total : 3 X 8W (24W). - 2 White and 1 Blue tube. Full details of diy assembly with photos : http://www.guppiesonli.com/dfly/Forums/viewtopic/t=102.html 1. I'm using the Silver reflective type of OYAMA paper for reflector; 2. The 3 tubes placed in the light assembly unit; 3. Testing the 3 tubes;
  19. I personally feel that it's time they stop artistes from performing such stunts be it considered safe or not as there are still artistes injuring themselves while practising. There are many other good ideas for artistes to perform besides singing that may also be able to raise money. In one year, artistes are required to perform for a few charity shows and not juz one show; and they may end up like performing for circus instead. These may discourage some would be good artistes from joining the local entertainment line due to these stunts performance requirement. It's actually not the stunt that motivate ppl to donate but the sincerity of the organisers and the charity. Also the toll fee (1900) are getting higher and higher as these will also discourage ppl from donating - probably more ppl are calling the direct line ($30 and above) to avoid paying the 1900 fee. Artistes are employed to act and not to perform stunts for charity frankly and they should not exploit our artistes. If there is a need, get the stuntmen to do it.
  20. How to remove these long spike sea urchin? I've one dark pink color one grown from small to big and some of my rock are turning white too; tried to remove it but it stick onto the rock very hard, can't seem to pull it out.
  21. Thanks Madmac. Now you mentioned 'clean water', is that the same as purified water or another type again???
  22. 1. To achieve (raise or maintain) calcium level in tank, is it better to use Kalkwasser or those Hydro Calcium Premium by Aquaz for example? 2. I read that for Kalkwasser to be effective, purified water must be used instead of tap water and dosing is the best method. Why using tap water to mix the Kalkwasser powder is 'asking for trouble' as stated in some articles? 3. If we don't use purified water for Kalkwasser, is it as good as we don't use Kalkwasser but choose addictives like the Hydro Calcium Premium where it is more convenient? 4. If one will to use Kalkwasser, is it still required to use the Aquaz Hydro Calcium Premium? Or we can onli choose one to use? 5. Comparing both products, which is more effective in raising or maintaining Calcium? Thank you.
  23. It's the same as elephant glue. YOu may tell them you want glue for the laminate and the shop keeper will know - don't use the term contact cement here (they will stare at you as most don't know what is it).
  24. You may use the same cutter as those used for acrylic... this may be purchased from most bookshops, popular or bras basah artshop. It's easier to work on 0.7mm or 0.8mm thickness laminate. 1mm or thicker is more difficult to work on for DIY and of course cost you more. Remember to buy those elephant glue from the shop you buy laminate. You need a 'blade like' tool (similar or look like a scraper) to apply the glue. You may cut a smaller piece of laminate to use as a glue applicator instead (most contractor do that). Spread it thin.
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