Thanks to those who came today and 'adopted' my corals..
Remaining are the following still waiting to be adopted:
Yumas (1 green and 2 orange ones)- $20/frag
Luminous Green prata- $40
MEtallic red mushroom- $10
Purple tip acropora- $40
Pink Birdnest- $40
Luminous centre green polyps (2 big pieces- $20 each and 1 small piece- $5)
Luminous green polyps- $20
In addition, all FJ LRs @ $10/kg and a pacific sailfin tang- $30 and a fire(flame) goby- $12 and a tomato clown- $12 and a pistol shrimp- $10
(all to be sold at a later stage when ALL corals have been sold)