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  1. 都是多得chris 兄的指教才有幾隻幸存. 希望遲些可以在數量上有所突破
  2. updated 一下 bb 相~~~ 差不多2個月了, 體型還不大.
  3. 多謝多謝. 我會記住你的建議, 希望可以養大牠們啦
  4. 已經接生過不下20次海馬bb 了, 今次還是第一次可以養海馬bb over 差不多2 weeks. 之前的全部不能養多過4日. 首先多謝chris 兄給與意見及支持. 希望可以同大家分享一下喜悅~~
  5. 哈... 見就見得多, 可惜無一次 成功養到
  6. http://www.hkaquazone.com/gallery/data/3215/2t.AVI http://www.hkaquazone.com/gallery/data/3215/2000000011.AVI
  7. shl


    I am not sure they eat or can train to take frozens... I hear that they need very high (about 50" h tank) and very low temp. (about 18C)
  8. some of them no need to train to eat f m. usually I let them to try fm first in a week.
  9. shl


    very beautiful .... most of them never see in HK. but I hear a news, we can order the weedy now. I consider order or not because it eats live mysis only.
  10. shl


    chinmo bro, they just difference color, not hybrid I think...
  11. shl


    yeah~ i would like to learn more english, teach me how to keep sh and english bro~~ thx
  12. shl


    hi Lester bro, I come from HK and my english very poor... so I type chinese better than english. eques bro, I hear that there are some people bred leat dragon in Singapore and japan. livebait bro, hello. 我剛發現原來橙色的及黑色的海馬交配後不能產出正常的fry, 現在只有2隻是比較成形的, 其他的都是已授精但是不成形的.
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