Giving up marine for the time being... no corals, mine is a FOWLR. Tank is 1 year plus old, fishes ich free.
$100 for all the LR you see in the tank. More then 60kg in it and my sump.
$20 for the Live sand.
(all feeding on pellets..whatever brand, formula two, hikari. frozen mysis, brine)
1 x 6inch Sailfin Tang (normal) $15
1 x 5 inch Naso ###### Tang (normal) $10
1 x 5 inch Lavender Tang $8
1 x 5 inch Brown Tang $10
Take all Tangs $30 (introduce all at once less figthing)
1 x Fire Tail Devil Grouper (Labracinus cyclophthalmus) $20 (dun see it often)
1 x 4 inch Marine Betta $10
1 x 3 inch Flame clown $5
1 x 3 inch Clarkii $5
1 x 3 inch long shadow goby $5
FOC Fishes for LR buyer or Tangs Buyer
1 x Green chromis
6 x 2-3inch Damsel (Domino, Javanese, black and white striped) All pairs
3 x Target fish