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Everything posted by chrysurus

  1. at Ah beng's shop. Yuma, red zoo True Percula clown, queen angel, french angel, potter's angel, fisher's angel, yellow tang, blue tang, red angler, baby banded shark and shark's egg. clearner shrimp, yellow boxer, purple boxer.
  2. I think you are talking about Pacific reef (Ah beng's shop) at lot 35.
  3. I keep in a only seahorses tank. It a 2 ft tank with a hangon filter and some plant for the seahorse hook on. I will feed it two time a day and change 10% of water every week.
  4. Hi Bro, Saw it at Ah Beng farm's before, L size with horn.
  5. Yes, I brought a pair also. I ask them to feed the seahorses with FROZEN mysis shrimp and it eat like pig
  6. Hi, Ah Beng's farm purple tang, sohal tang, golden Butt, Asfur Angel, Maculosus Angel Heard that hawaii shipment arrival tomorrow morning.
  7. update at ah beng's farm Blue line angel Kuda Seahorses ( more than 500 nos.)
  8. Hi Bro, Saw some of the fishes you want at Ah Beng's farm Juv Emperor Angel Juv Cortez Angel (just arrive yesterday) Juv Scribbled Angel They have the fish but not the size you want Flame Angel Coral Beauty Golden Angel Longnose Hawk
  9. Hi, Ah Beng's farm hawaii shipment yellow tang, lot of flame angels, potter angel, hawaii clearer wrasses, goldflake angels, Bartlett's Anthias Australia shipment's Scribbled Angel, Personifer Angel
  10. Lot of LPS coral just arrive at Ah Beng's Farm Red and green tooth brain, Red open brain, pink Goniopora, orange red green Cynarina, pink plate, Acanthastrea, Elegance Coral
  11. lot of lionfish heard that a large shipment of hard coral( with CITES permit) coming next week at Ah Beng farm, better call to comfirm....
  12. Update at Ah Beng's Farm alot of fishes from Bali, philippines, Redsea, Hawaii....
  13. saw some purple tang, sohal tangs, asfur angel, maculosus angel, golden butterfly, sunrise dottyback at Ah Beng's farm Heard there will be hawaii shipment tomorrow.
  14. Hi Bro, Here the address for Ah Beng's farm Lot 35 Blk D Pasir Farmway 2 Singapore 5100000 Tel: 65820235
  15. Hi, purple tang, yellow tang, sohal tang, asfur angel, maculosus angel, queen angel, frence angel, flane angel, lemon peel angel, fisher's angel, goldflake angel, golden butterfly ect... spoted at Ah Beng's Shop....
  16. Hi, yellow-headed jawfish $55 and not sure about the octopus I think about +-$10.
  17. Update at Ah Beng's Shop Coral beauty angel, yellow angel, rusty angel, bicolor angel, regal angel, queen angel, french angel, blue face angel, singapore angel, blue lip angel ect..... royal dottybacks, skunk dottybacks, strawberry dottybacks, Yellowhead Jawfish tomato Clowns, common clowns, sebae clowns, maroon clowns, clarkii clowns, pink skunk clowns, orange skunk clowns, ect.. Blue tang (L), Clown Tangs, yellow clown goby, fire goby... a few Colored Anglers Octopus, cuttel fish, sea slugs, Electric Flame Scallop, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, boxer shrimp, yellow boxer shrimp, purple boxer shrimp, camel shrimp, bumble bee shrimp ect... alot of other fishes and soft corals.. They have hawaii shipment coming in friday afternoon.
  18. Hi, Updates Ah Beng's Shop 2 x warty angler, 1 orange angler, 1 tiny clown tigger, bellus angel, watanabei angel yelllow tang, achilles tang, flame angel, coral beauty, yellow angel, bicolor angel, sohal tang, powder blue tang, powder brown tang, powder black tang, Harlequin Tusk and alot of other fish... any update from reborn?
  19. Ah Beng shop UPDATE: Golden Maroon Clown, fire clown, common clown, powder blue tang, powder brown tang, powder black tang, Yellow Mimic Tang, sailfin tang, sohal tang Coral Beauty Angel, Bicolor angel, yellow angel, bluelip angel, King Angel, Purple Queen Anthias, Dispar Anthias, Square Anthias,sunburst Anthais and lot of butterfly, damsel, wrasses Black tip shark, Banded Shark, blue spotted sting ray : cleaner shrimp, Bumble Bee Shrimp, Harlequin Shrimp, purple and yellow boxer shrimp etc Zebra Octopus, cutter fish, 1 tiny angler Tomorrow hawaii shipment: 40 x Achilles tang, 100++ yellow (s,m,l) etc...
  20. Hi Bro Nice, what do you feed them with?
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