OK, some words from an outsider... please do not take offence, as I mean these comments to be totally constructive, I am sure AT will let me know if I have stepped over the line. I am not even going to talk about the original subject... so sorry for being
Talk of meetings being hard to organise etc is absolute rubbish. You are NEVER going to get everyone to a meeting, but the key point is to have the semi-regularly, and then hopefully people get into a routine, and set aside the time to turn up. It does not have to be a formal thing. How many of you meet up when going to an LFS because there is a hot shipment arriving. I know when I have been out with Scarab, I always meet a lot of you as we wait for the shipments to arrive. If you think about that for a minute, how hard would it be for all of you to gather 30 minutes prior at a Kopi Tiam or hawker centre just to shoot the breeze prior to emptying your wallets on a new acans colony? That is all it takes.
It does not have to be an 'official SRC sanctioned event'. Lets not over complicate things here.
The important thing about forums like this, is that it establishes a community network of people with like minded interests. The extension of the forums into meetings is to strengthen that community even further. Don't have formal meetings etc to start with, just have a gathering at someone house every so often, with some food, people bring their own drinks, and you just sit down and talk about stuff...
Maybe this will extend into formal meetings, but it does not have to... however what will happen is that binds will be stronger between all of you. how amny of you have a fellow SRC member look after your tank when you are on vacation? How many of you call other SRC members when you see good stuff at an LFS? How many of you would like to be able to call someone in the middle of the night when something is wrong with your slice of the ocean? If you have regular meetings, and supplement that with posting on SRC, then it is very easy to do.
AT needs to be credited for his sensational efforts in establishing SRC, and continuing to foster its development. However, you as it members need to help him steer it, and make it "the place to discuss reefs in Singapore".
Don't shoot ideas down. but don't be complacent and think everything is going smoothly either. Think about what you like about SRC, and do your best to keep those aspects working. Think about what you don't like, and start working on them yourself to fix it. if you don't like the backstabbing, then stay out of it. If you don't like the lack of personal organised catchups... put a post up about having a few people over to your place, or meeting somewhere. Whoever wants to come can come, it is their decision. But don't stand back and wait for someone else to do all the work.
Enough from the 'outsider'