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Everything posted by barnacle

  1. as long as your fish are healthy and feeding well, there is nothing to worry maintain weekly 10% water change...
  2. maybe can try to relocate her....... golden pearls....try and check with SRC sponsors......sure they have
  3. ammonia and no2?? IMO, washing of bio balls will wash away the good bacteria causing ammonia and no2 to go up. i think your fish dia because of this.. wash bio balls after 6 - 8 mth to prevent clog...only light wash as not to wash away all the good bacteria. 50% of water change will make your fish stress. try change 10% weekly and monitor ammonia, no2, no3 before water change ( for a month) ..once water is mature can do 20% mthly (depend on tank size and filteration system) don't add in new fish...wait until water is stable Get a good skimmer.... Most important thing....Patience
  4. who says in natural enviroment there is no skimming process...........If you were to walk along thre beach you will notice foam along the beach, foam will form when sea water hit the sandy beach............now that that is natural skimming process.......................... And scientist make a study of the foam................ That is how scientist and manufacture comes to the idea of protein skimmer.... Dun knoe whether its true or not....... Maybe can have discussion on this..
  5. Hello Braders semua.......Selamat Hari Raya Cina Harga limau semua turun.... cepat beli sebelum kedai tutup
  6. Me too! Will going to Tioman next Month....i love that place Heard they are going to build marina there That will kill all the coral 1. Morgan 2. Achilles Tang 3. Danano 4. Robe 5. Bloop! 6. Foxface 7. Day 8. Bum 9. Kelstorm (PADI) 10.hoppinghippos 11.chrislwp (Padi) 12.Tango_Liverock 13. WLSS 14. Benz... (Padi) 15. Rycin (Padi) 16. yus (naui) 17. TanGo (Navy, NAUI Adv) 18. Alentino (Padi) 19. Tfrancis (Padi) 20. Angry (Padi) 21. Ian(PADI) 22. Supremo (Padi) 23. TTboy 24. dradttg 25. clammy (padi) 26. damsel-in-distress (Padi Adv.) 27.Calciumreef(Naui Adv.) 28. Guinness 29. Assillian (PADI) 30. ryz(Basic is SSI, Advanced is PADI.. screwed up eh? haha) 31. jd 32. narkosis (Naui DM) 33. wedgee 34. Huanjie (PADI Adv.) 35. JaGr (NAUI Adv, TDI) 36.dispar_anthias(PADI) 37. auberon (PADI) 38. dust_to_debris (PADI DM) 39. cysiong 40. manta (SSI) 41. euggoh (SSI) 42. KKX7 (PADI) 43. cowgum 44. ivanlaw (PADI...hot from over on 16 Nov) 45. yogurt 46. reefer guy 47. nicken 48. kokhui (PADI Adv.) 49. daimy068 (PADI) 50. barnacle
  7. i heard that too, but not too sure whether its true or not currently i'm using bio balls and bio home for my sump. my fish survive and growing.(mine FOWLR) even caroaline are spreading.
  8. bro....try check again your NO3 or try 20 percent water change elegance are hard to keep.....water condition must be tip top or could be kena disturb by fish. how long u had the elegance?
  9. ok....never notice its actinic blue light
  10. bro, this part looks like never kena light,(white rectanle area), looks dark compare to other area
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