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Everything posted by klim

  1. Nice tank...hehee, should have gotten this tank rather than the 4ft
  2. Oh yes, forgot...skunk cleaner shrimp, I lost 3 during the migration Have them for 6 mths, molted many times, grow till very big and they died... :cry2:
  3. Just done so... almost killed me.. If you working...take a long, long weekends...if study, work on before 9 August, at least got more time... If you are just migrating and not having to refilled the old position...my suggestion is to get new sand, as the old one will have too much toxins. Filled the new tank with old water + New Salt water and old LR. This will reduce the cycling period (maybe 2-3 week).
  4. Ah Beng Shop: Lots of: Anthias Blue Tang (small 2") Fire Goby (Red and Purple) Naso Tang Just came in the afternoon
  5. I have a Blue Tang already, else sure help you clear... But your tank big leh, why let go? Mine oso around 5" leh...feed less lah, see whether it shrink back
  6. I dun target feed...just spread the Phytoplanton on the water...not sure it eat anot?
  7. I actually migrated my tank, my old tank run for 6 mths before tearing down. Attached is my current tank. There is coralline alage on the rocks... As for my MH, it is 14KK and same as PL light. The only stoppages to go for clam...is that I still got Chiller outstanding. My tank nowadays runs from 28.2 to 29 (when Mh on for 3 hrs)
  8. Can I place phosguard in a filter bag and place it in the canister? Will this help to reduce phosphate? Thinking of putting Carbon in the canister too...since I have 3 layer in the canister. Can?
  9. You got any QT tank or sump? Separate them from the Main Tank and after a week or so, than put them back into the Main Tank, hope this erase their memory of the Main Tank and than they will not fight so much.... Other than that, get more similar tang like YT...will them have them play catchup...
  10. Bro, any picture....maybe can add to my Tang collection....
  11. Nowadays, everyone also scare when posting...have to look left, right, up, down and all direction....else kana shoot or smack...
  12. May I know where do your place the LOBO? high up, 1ft from the MH light is? or the sandbed....?
  13. klim


    After all this, may want to get a Power Blue Tang, that will be Phase 1 of my Tang empire. Phase 2, will be Soha, AT...
  14. Hi Bro/Sis, Those whom have succeed incorporating their tangs in a tank. Please advice on what should I do: Currently, I have Salfin and Yellow Tang in my Main tank. Blue, Powder Brown, Purple tang in my QT tank. How can I put them into the Main Tank without them fighting? Option 1 Should I take out the ST and YT? Than place back all the fishes into the Main Tank? Option 2 Should I just throw in the BT, PBT and PT into the Main Tank and pray that all dun fight? PS the PBT very naughty and fierce....
  15. Is your tank 4ft or 1ft? or you have 2 tank? So which one is the problem??? IMO, Dosing sugar may not neccessary bring down NO3....if it really does, is just a short period of time as sugar increase Bacteria metalbolism but after that without sugar, your NO3 will be back haunting you. I tried, but guess not so good.... If the problem is on your 1ft, changed the entire water....to prevent any more losses. If it is on your 4ft, still suggest changed water...by the way what salt you using? Checked the salt contents.
  16. Still selling your 1262 pump? Pls PM me the price.
  17. Anyone seen COCO worms? Havn't seen it at at LFS for months. If u saw it, do let me know...appreciate.
  18. My Condolence Your NO3 is a bit high....maybe changing more water is required. As for high KH, did you dose Calcium or other addidtives? I think to lower your KH, you need to change water, that's the most effective way of curing. Hope it helps
  19. R u sure? What measuring brand u used? Is it expired? What about other parameters?
  20. Hi bro, Got the above light for sales - 4 bulbs x2 white x2 blue and running Ebalast with 2 switches for controlling White and Blue lights. Used only 4mths with 5hrs of utilization per day. Buy $140, selling $100... Interested buyers please PM me.
  21. Hi Ian, Here is my water Parameter as tested as of 20/July/05: Calcium (Tropic Marine) = 496ppm mg/l (ppm) Mag (Tropic Marine)= 1280 mg/l (ppm) DKH (Sera) = 8 DKH sad.gif NO3 (Tetra) = 10ppm Salnity (Hydro) = 1.022 Temp = 29degree C Using PURII on sump to reduce NH4 & NO3 As for my lighting now running 2x150MH and 4x27w PL Please comment?
  22. Parameter as tested as of 20/July/05: Calcium (Tropic Marine) = 496ppm mg/l (ppm) Mag (Tropic Marine)= 1280 mg/l (ppm) DKH (Sera) = 8 DKH sad.gif NO3 (Tetra) = 10ppm Salnity (Hydro) = 1.022 Temp = 29degree C Using PURII on sump to reduce NH4 & NO3
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