Thanks for all the suggestion.
My Altis is Black and the cab is Yellow (Citycab).
I am trying to find witness, but think it is gonna difficult.
I have sent a mail to City Cab and they advice me to lodge a report with their Accident & Claims dept. So that they can investigate. I will proceed with this.
Lastly, my insurance is AIG and they do not work with IDAC, as such there is no requirement for that. I will double check again on the procedure to be safe. My Access is $500 and the rest is insurance pay.
The only thing is that I lost NCB and my loading next yr will be extremly high, that's my worry.
Anyway, after all this, what's important is that I m alive toking to all of you.
GOD had blessed me for a second chance. Must treat it well. Money can earn back, but only 1 live.