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Everything posted by klim

  1. Steady...steady...pls dun quarrel. It is sad to see reefing turning into war zone. Let the fish happy and so do us.
  2. Wow! my last observation of the tangs are they are all having ich. , I am going to perform a HYPO on the main tank tonight. Will lower my sanity to 1022. Is this okay?
  3. I am at a lost, hope everything will be fine with time. Only can pray for things to come good. Besides, I would like to thank all the Bro/Sis for your sound advise. Is good to be in this forum with so many helping hands.
  4. I think you are right. Seeing the YT always hiding in the rock. I do see that it will come out and swim when lights is off. Hope that everything will be fine after another few days.
  5. Thanks Bro. Anyway, the tank was resetup not more than 2 months. I am still oberving the tangs and have brought some live brine shrimp for them, hope it helps.
  6. I sthis Star Polyps? If yes, I will like to take. Where to collect?
  7. There is no ich on them except seeing the "always hungry" blue tang keeps rubbing its body on the rock.
  8. Bro STORM TROPPER, Yes they are new. Both are 5 days old. For YT, I seen it eat pellet in LFS before buying, but now always hiding in the rocks.
  9. I have given them dried seaweed with soak garlic - no used Have put some red bamboo but not sure they are eating it or ate by other tang. But they still swim around the tank.
  10. I have 5 Tangs in my tank, the Blue, Powder Blue and Powder Brown all eat well. Only Naso and Yellow Tangs is not feeding. I have tried, Garlic Seaweed, prawn, mysis, brine shrimp, and even live brine shrimp. But to no availability that the 2 will feed. I even tried to flood the tank with Mysis or Brine Shrimp, it still "bo chap" I do not know what is wrong and they dun look sick. How can I get them to feed? Any suggestion.
  11. Hi , I am interested to test out my FR, anyone (not using or giveup) selling the above?
  12. Pasir Ris opposite fish farm, you interested? :nuke:Take note: Its sting is mildly toxic; humans very rarely notice the sting. Care should still be taken though when handling it or while doing maintenance on the aquarium. It will require daily supplemental feeding with zooplankton substitutes.
  13. If you ask me previously from start, 10 Tangs died Now, I have 5 of them swimming in the tank. Still waiting for my Ms NASO to feed. Havn't seen it eat anything yet
  14. bro yongkuat, yes i agreed that i still missing the Purple Tang, also planning for a Salfin, Sohal and AT. But I think my tank a big small for so many, sianz bro kueytoc, yap, thanks:D hope they can stay in harmony and fall in love with each other
  15. Another Picture - Note it is a palm size
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