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Everything posted by klim

  1. Sorry, please enlightened what is "flesh color"? thanks.
  2. Happy ###### day...remember the first day you were out of the Womb
  3. I did not stir the rocks. I know touching the scaping will coz stress to fish. The green tube is leading to a Coralife UV then to Eheim Cannister then to Chiller then to Sump. Yes got a Chiller (Teco RA680).
  4. Hi Jojo, care how you take care of your Sun, especially you are putting it at the cave? How does each polys able to obtain food? Thank you
  5. Hope you can know how difficult is been a parent. Do be good and be filial to them. Honestly, when you are parents, you will understand, but it will be too late.
  6. Hi Bro/Sis, Since a lot of you are expert in taking care of your tank. Measuring Parameters and taking good care of the LS. How about your children, what Parameters to make them listening and study hard How to train them to become obedient as not to play while studing for their exam? Be polite and dun argue with parents. Ai, it is so difficult as a parent and looking ahead with more challenge they will be going through, just one word SIANZ Any clue to setting Parameters, measuring them, dosing with additives and ensure they thrive Please share and advise.
  7. No choice lah Bro James, too many shady personnel in this forum and everyone is cautious. Anyway, Upz for your sales.
  8. Upz the sales....nice tank. friendly reefer.
  9. hehe...after 2 hours in the tank, even when lights are onz. Xie Xie!!!
  10. Upz...It doesn't matter, as long seller and buyer happy, who cares. No offence, just my 2 cents. It is common to decom and startup. this is how life is run, like there is day and night, just some comments, still no offence.
  11. Last but not least, close up shot of the tank
  12. Here is the Tank and Sump Picture.... Left bottom is my Refrigium..not sure is it effective? Pending Macro Algae or Cheato donation anyone
  13. My SuperSUN (from LCK) and some from Baby SuperSUN from Bro KennethK.
  14. Some Mushies from Bro KennethK as well.... But I still wait for him if he can sell me his RED Mushies
  15. Here is a close up shot of some of the corals. Elegance from Bro KennethK (good and nice reefer) also nice house. It is green when viewing, but show brown where picture taken
  16. Hehe....I think the scaping sucks and I really dun have idea how to do it right.
  17. Here is my latest setup.....please comment. FTS
  18. Hi Bro, If your Sun is still not open, my suggestion is that you bring it out to a small pail and flood the pail with food. After 3-4 times, it should start to open BIG BIG.... hope this helps
  19. It is SAD all my fish have gone to visit heaven. This was due to an ICH outbreak. I thought after my well experience of raring tang for almost 2 years, but still loose to a ICH war. I really lost at that moment and dun know what to do, so scare of having any more fishes in my tank. Hence, I will setup my tank without fish till everything settle after sometime, unless something spurs me up again.....but still scare
  20. Hi Bro [V]tEc, Thanks for your nice corals ...here is where he lies
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