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Everything posted by Goondoo

  1. I was at Ubi yesterday servicing my bike, saw a shop selling all sorts of aluminium plates and tubings etc. Lau Brothers Aluminium Works Blk 3005 Ubi Ave 3, #01-56, Singapore 408861 Tel: 6747 5771, 6747 5772 Fax: 6747 5772
  2. 1) Neater, 2) Nicer, 3) Safer, 4) More efficient 5) Looks good even if put on top of a non-sump tank. I only need someone above 500 post to help host the BO, whole transaction will be totally transparent to the BO parties. It would be best if we can get the lights and PVC parts together... (if anyone have any lobangs). Price of individual sale is about $200 which is why I am looking forward to a BO.
  3. I emailed a few acrylic maker and one responded. I gave them SM pictures and drawings for quotation. The price is pretty good (less than $100)if we can make 10 (box only). However, I am unable to start a bulk order as SRC requirements are at least 500 post. Anyone interested to lead the BO? PS: we need to identify the most economical lighting to fit in the box before deciding on the final size.
  4. I am starting my tank soon as well. Just a question, is it a common practice to pour in water before sand? (I saw it in some video by some pro-ang mo doing the same thing) In planted tank, we usually put in water after the substrates so as to maximize water clarity. I was planning, 1) Put in dead rocks, 2) Put in Live sand, 3) Pour in NSW. I have no intention of hijacking this thread, just want to compare the sequence to ensure I am also doing the right thing.
  5. sorry bros, was pretty busy with work... here is the pic and its dual ended.
  6. still available MH is white in colour with built in E-ballast.
  7. Cheap sale $100 each Comes will e-ballast, extended 3-core cable(bought separately to increase the length), ceiling chain(unused) and Osram 6500K bulbs used for about 1 year. Interested please SMS/call me at 93395883 FCFS
  8. I heard you are converting to planted tank?
  9. Now that the Board of Directors and TT Durai had decided to stepped down "gracefully". I must admit I am certainly impressed by the determination Durai had building up NKF. The thing that trigger the line of fire is probably the way he handle his "privacy". I regret that we haven't got the chance to hear how much the board of directors had taken, and I am certainly insulted by the comments made by Mrs Goh. The combined properties my family had is far from a peanut. She gave me the feeling she's looking down on my family and myself. I do admit its not easy building a charity organisation to this size if Durai and his team is not had been persistant and agressive like they did. Looking back, maybe we did over react, maybe not. I certainly believe he will be recruited by some big companies or government sectors. I believe he will get what he wanted there more deservely without offending the people of the Republic of Singapore again. Good luck Mr T.T Durai
  10. Some taiwan singers.... I know one is Zhang Xin Zhe (Jeff Chang?)... the other two can't remember.... BTW, the first MP addressing on the NKF issue: Don't let NKF controversy disrupt care of dialysis patients : Dr Balaji By Margaret Perry, Channel NewsAsia SINGAPORE: The Senior Minister of State for Health, Dr Balaji Sadasivan, says the care of kidney dialysis patients should not be disrupted by the current controversy over the National Kidney Foundation. He stressed this point when talking to the media on Thursday. The controversy began when revelations made during a court hearing this week showed that NKF CEO TT Durai took home a $600,000 annual salary, and that the charity's reserves will last the next 30 years rather than three years as previously stated. In response, more than 4,500 people have called the NKF to cancel their donations. And more than 21,000 Singaporeans have signed an online petition calling for Mr Durai's resignation. Dr Balaji has urged the NKF to respond to public calls for greater transparency. He said: "This is an organisation that has been built with public donations, and in a way, therefore, the public are the moral owners of NKF. The public built the NKF into the efficient organisation it is, so the public has expectations on transparency and expectations on how things should be done. "And looking at the events in the past 24 hours, it appears this trust that the public had in the NKF has suffered. It is very important that NKF rebuild the trust of the public by being transparent, and by accounting to the public and answering all the questions that the public may have." - CNA/ir
  11. Guys, Guys, The show tonight is only 15 mins.... only 3 guests.... I think most of the time will be catered for the lucky draw results....
  12. Can we start a petition formally to request Mrs Goh to donate a peanut to KDF every month? BTW, im 8884 was aimming for 8888.... but missed
  13. They are two totally different entity. Look at it this way, the guidelines laid down are all in % of how much should be used for whatever. No Kinships Ferderation starts eating into everyone's pie, thus they have high total value and thus again, the % for remuneration and bonuses are also alot higher compared to rest of the organisations. Which is why they refused to stop the donation drives despite having enough reserves for the next 30 yrs. So the trick is not to support which organisation, always choose the poorest one and you can be assured most money reached the coorect person.
  14. I think this thursday's show will have the highest viewers.... mostly wanna watch how NKF collapse....
  15. go read this.... so funny... http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1061222
  16. The one that is selling underwater photography equipments in Adelphi is Sea and Sea. Personally, I would prefer to visit Oceanic Focus because they carry more Ikelite, Inon,Epoque and 10 bar items which are cheaper than many other brands. And they are based in Singapore. Cheers, Goondoo
  17. Sorry I missed this point. If you are using Autofocus underwater, most of the time, you can forget about sharpness. Most Consumer/Prosumer camera will 1st set to the biggest aperture (example: F2.8) then select a suitable shutter speed based ambient light. The internal flash are more of a compensation light. I had seen great pictures taken with A95. (Though I am a Oly C-5060 user)
  18. 99% of the flood incidents are caused by human error regardless what housing were used, One example is not doing predive checks and leaving the housing under the sun is another. All O-rings need to be replace yearly (as recommended) Few main consideration selecting a camera for UW is 1) the possibility of opening the housing as little as possible though out the day, example: replacing batteries, change memory cards etc. 2) Cameras using AA rechargable batteries tends to fog up a housing more (due to off gasing of the batteries) than one using lithium. I forgot my silicon packs during my Sipadan trip and I am surprise that there are no fogging at all. When fixing the camera into the housing, try to do it in a very dry area, like aircon room. 3) Shuttle lags - All consumer/prosumer cameras have shuttle lags, it just a matter of how much. 4) Not all blur pictures are caused by shuttle lags, most of the time, its due to off focus or insuffient light when using higher shuttle speed, as the light resistance underwater is many times more than air, keep your current camera and get a external strobe if possible. 5) Remember to always half focus before you press fully. Try to master Manual mode, push your Aperture as low as possible (F8) for macro pictures and mid level (F5-F5.6) for Wide angle pictures. Always remember to half focus on the eye first, then pull the focus compose your picture while half pressed. 6) Upgradablility- no doubt many cameras today comes with housing, the more popular upgrades are the ones with 67mm thread. Inon, epoque makes macro and wide angle lenses for 67mm. 7) Many recommended manual white balancing. However, remember not to use flash else your picture will turn all red. 8) Experience- just keep shooting...... PS: DSLR is not that friendly underwater, imagine you jump down with a macro lense and a manta swim pass with a whale shark..... A95 is a very decent camera for UW. I had seen a friend taking videos with it with a red filter and it really rocks! Hope these helps. PM me if you need more information.
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