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Everything posted by CKS

  1. the only additive ive heard for LR & LS is Coral Vital LSB from MarcWeissCo http://www.marcweissco.com/marinereefprodu...l%20vital%20lsb no idea what it really does tho .. try doing some search @ reefcentral
  2. Rite. I tho so too. But please keep me informed if u've decided to frag it.
  3. Is it possible to sell small fragment of it instead? Interested but..too big for my tank
  4. Em. nuisance algae would grow over coraline algae.
  5. I saw lots of long spined urchin in T95 selling at $3 each
  6. So how much did u pay for it?
  7. CKS


    LEDs r alot more expensive tho.. Some company discoverd some way in increasing the light output of LED http://news.com.com/2100-1041-986325.html?tag=cd_mh
  8. CKS


    probably most of the outcast equitments r send to Asia for developing countries to play with
  9. Nothing weird going on just conspiracy
  10. where did the edit button go? hm... looks like ive to end my sentence here.
  11. Lets play along DeFish .. sure they're banned now its time for u to shut your trap.. AT started this forum to lurn clueless reefer in SG.. so they can be nabbed (j/k) DeFish: we're working for the same ppl .. Plz try to keep a low profile .. and ur job is done here
  12. ZeRoCool the silver medalist of National Skills Competition in industry wiring finally speaks
  13. hm... didnt know this is rare ive a medium sized piece which is taking up space ... anyone wanna trade your softcoral for it?
  14. Hm... CaribSea r using MarcWeiss's Vital LiveSandBooster on their 'live sand' .. u can get that MarcWeiss LSB and SeaChem argonite in Singapore .. probably cheaper to build your 'live sand' bed with that. And like what hongqixian mentioned .. given time the 'live' from LiveRock would innoculate your sand.
  15. Yep, its fluorescent green Thats why im desperately looking for 03 actinic light..i wanna see it glow!
  16. Heres mine nleong: it took them 1 week to open up in my tank .. and another 1 week to fully extend
  17. Its both coral (soft) and invert. Seems to do well without supplemental feeding Never heard of anyone feeding it directly just feed your tank as per normal (after u've got some fishes), it will benefit from it somehow
  18. I noticed NO3 drop from 5ppm to 2ppm weeks after adding a clam and now its around 0.5ppm could be many other factor as well
  19. CKS


    I dont have enough FL to swap i only have 1 15W 10,000K FL (OceanSun from ZooMed) which has been used for 6months but im interested in buying your coralife 36w, so plz add me to your 'to sell list' if it isnt swopped.
  20. .. u slapped me real hard with this review.. i paid S$20 for AquaMedic epoxy stick! Anyway thanks for the review At least now i know what to get next time..
  21. Not to forget the all time favorite clams!! they suck in some NO3 too
  22. I believe hes having a Sander Piccolo skimmer a more powerful skimmer would probably be needed for that fish load
  23. hm.. hey wouldnt the salt particles affect the life of your electrical/electronic equipment?
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