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Everything posted by CKS

  1. my bad..the minimum footprint should be 30g. hope we dont have to debate all over again.. maybe bro Anemone can read up more on google..heh
  2. sup ppl? planning for mutiny? wants more shopping center at your area? or more nearby schools?
  3. ive read that DSB needs a footprint size of atleast 50g tank to be effective AND it has to be in the main tank, not remote sump/refug also u cannot have hermit/starfish/blenny..etc that would reduce your faunas population too much to be an effective DSB
  4. ive used both coralife & tropic marine i stored & prepared both saltmixes under the same conditions coralife seems to cakeup more easily than TM , and TM dissolves alot easier/quicker
  5. the algae has to grow fast enu and be removed (by pruning) to take out the nitrate.. for that purpose, it should be isolated from your fish .. i didnt have much luck with red algae, green seems to be easier to cultivate .. just add some iron suppliment + normal feeding + lightings good enu for soft coral if your red algae is fading away and the fish show no interest, i suggest u remove it to prevent further deteriorating the water conditions.
  6. 1)降龙十八掌 (天龙八部) - weileong 2)如来神掌 - Dispar Anthias 3)北暝神功 (云海玉弓缘) - Dispar Anthias 4)九阴真经 (神鸼侠侣) - Dispar Anthias 5)九阳神功 (倚天屠龙记) - Dispar Anthias 6)乾坤大挪移 (倚天屠龙记) - Dispar Anthias 7)黯禳箫魂掌 (神鸼侠侣) - Dispar Anthias 8)毒龙神功 (云海玉弓缘) - Dispar Anthias 9)六脉神剑 (天龙八部) - Dispar Anthias 10)独孤九剑 (笑傲江湖) - Dispar Anthias 11)吸星大法 (笑傲江湖) - Dispar Anthias 12)一阳指 (天龙八部)- Dispar Anthia 13)白眉point palm exploding heart technique? 五指神功 - darren 14)龟派气功 (DragonballZ) - Seng 15)如来神掌第十式-如来涅磐 - weileong 16)"all-you-can........." (street fighter) - weileong 17)长生绝 - Alanseah 18)金蛇剑法 - weileong 19)铁沙掌(倚天屠龙记) - weileong 20)天蚕神功 (天蚕变)- weileong 21)七双拳 (倚天屠龙记)- weileong 22)偷天换日 one.. 能改变颜色 - Alanseah 23)血影神功 (蜀山奇侠) - weileong 24)笑面虎神功 - wil_lee76 25)假慈悲神功 – wil_lee76 26)童子神功 - wil_lee76 27)肥妹超级神功 (SRC) - weileong 28)天山雪莲 - weileong 29)yi1 zhang3 jiu4 pao3 - Hanambmw 30)九阴十八式武来武ke天天发花痴超级神功 (SRC) - weileong 31)prata 神功 (SRC) - weileong 32)银水天天炮炮 “出” 到你神经病超级神功 (SRC) - weileong 33)紫青双剑 (蜀山奇侠) - weileong 34)少林大力金刚指 (倚天屠龙记) - weileong 35)天山无量神功 (天龙八部) - weileong 36)天山六阳掌 (天龙八部) - weileong 37)冰破银针 (天下) - weileong 38)神功护体 - hanambmw 39)童子功 - weileong 40)金中罩 - weileong 41)快乐 “湿“ 神仙 - weileong 42)蛤蟆神功 (倚天屠龙记) - area51 43)太极拳 - roidan 44)排山倒海 – Dispar Anthias 45)妙手空空 (this one not powerful but steal things very good) - Dispar Anthias 46)孔明传 - Dispar Anthias 47)玉女心经 - Dispar Anthias 48)天蚕脚 - weileong 49)排云掌 (天下) - Dispar Anthias 50)天双拳 (天下) - Dispar Anthias 51)飞神腿 (天下) - Dispar Anthias 52)天晶剑法 - alanseah 53)一剑剑法 - alanseah 54)血魔大法(蜀山奇侠) - alanseah 55)天蚕神功 (天蚕变) - alanseah 56)水上浮(倚天屠龙记) - alanseah 57)醉拳 - alanseah 58)风神腿 (天下)- alanseah 59)灵泼微步 (天龙八部) - weileong 60)十八罗汉 - weileong 61)十八铜人 - weileong 62)易精经 (天龙八部) - weileong 63)弹指神功 (倚天屠龙记) - weileong 64)螳螂拳 - weileong 65)永春拳 - weileong 66)葵花宝典 (this one must 自宫 then can success one) (笑傲江湖) - weileong 67)狂球拳 - alanseah 68)虎貉双拳- alanseah 69)夺命剪刀脚 - Roidan 70)还我飘飘拳 - seng 71)左右拳法 (倚天屠龙记) - alanseah 72)岳家拳 (我和僵尸有个约会III 之永恒国度)- weileong 73)杨家枪法 - weileong 74)打狗棒法 (倚天屠龙记) - weileong 75)灭绝神功 (天蚕变) - weileong 76)冷冰掌 - alanseah 77)南拳 - alanseah 78)无阴腿 - alanseah 79)鬼阴腿 - alanseah 80)中华傲学 - alanseah (dont know correct or not from 中华英俊) 81) 群龙无首 (赤子乘龙) – weileong 82)无字天书 - alanseah 83)天外飞仙 – alanseah 84)隔山打牛 - alanseah 85)大海无量 - alanseah 86)蝎子功 - alanseah 87)神龙拳 - alanseah 88)气功 - alanseah 89)铁头功 - alanseah 90)小象功 - alanseah 91)小无相功(天龙八部) - weileong 92)電光毒龍鑽 by 王小虎!!! - dleecool 93)北斗七星剑阵(倚天屠龙记) - weileong 94)鹰抓功(倚天屠龙记) - weileong 95)北腿 - weileong 96)狮子吼 - weileong 97)以彼之道还施彼身(天龙八部) - weileong 98)霹邪剑普(笑傲江湖) - weileong 99)星宿毒功(天龙八部) - weileong 100)逍遥三笑散(天龙八部) - weileong 101)斗转星移(天龙八部) - weileong 102)化功大法(天龙八部) - weileong 103)五虎断门刀(天龙八部) - weileong 104)八卦刀法(天龙八部) - weileong 105)虎抓功(天龙八部) - weileong 106)双结棍 - (李小龙 )- hypervtec 107)李三脚 -(李小龙) hypervtec 108)血滴子 - hypervtec 109)圆月弯刀 - hypervtec 110)铁头功 - hypervtec 111)五行拳 - hypervtec 112)小李飞刀 - weileong 113)霹雳拳 - weileong 114)盾地神功 - weileong 115)七十二变 - weileong 116) Ma's Dragon (Date with vampire) - CKS
  7. i think this is TANG CLUB aka TANG POLICE ..hehehe j/k
  8. Hey chris How about some updates on the skimmate?
  9. dude.. which beach did u go? the only beach i went and spotted lots of torchus snails / mangrove / fishes is in tanjong
  10. does it still read 0kb after u've disabled your AV? You can try using Process Explorer (freeware) http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/ProcessExplorer.html it'll show you which process is using & locking the file .. normally its just as simple as killing that process then you can delete the file worst to worst... reboot into recovery console (you've to install it from ur windows installation CD with "\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons") and remove the file manually
  11. you really have tried the solution on the AV's site? since im pretty free these few days.. please send the virus to me (zipped it with password) at cks AT cks-net dot org
  12. whats the name of the vir ur AV detected? redirecting your page to ###### site..heheh.. sounds like a BHO (browser helper object).. u can try the prog from the link hotlemond posted .. and look under the "IE helpers" tab
  13. sorry for stealing the thread .. but what potion did u use?? how did u managed to mate them ?
  14. what are u GUYS gonna do? heh.. this is SRC not sgboys haha
  15. ouch..not easy money for parttime. man ive always wanted to get into game development... more interested in creating entities for gamers to fight over ... rather than fighting over it!
  16. haha.. its just a 2" porcupine puffer... puffer does funny things .. nothing special..just has not been reported widely i guess... oh yea... i used to have a fat clownfish that does that..not very sediment friendly :\
  17. i couldnt find any info on that... well.. ive 3 puffers and they will rest on the sediment during dark hour... the smallest one will actaully start filling it's stomach every evening b 4 the lights go out.. and it'll be emptied on the following morning .. or when it decided to "move around" what can we conclude?
  18. yea..heheh i think i figured out why my puffer fills it's stomach with sediment during the nite.. so that it could sink itself down to rest on the sediment!!
  19. how did u manage to keep your refug so clean? will post pic(s) of my 3 years refug soon
  20. err..anyway i think the best fishy to get as pal would be puffer!! they've great personality... you can train them to feed off your hand and sometimes they may splite at you to get your undivided attention!
  21. My porcupine puffer enjoys filling it's stomach with sediment during the evening.. and it'll normally get emptied on the following afternoon. any of your fishes exhibit that kindof behavior?
  22. can plz rearrange in order of top to lowest priority?
  23. Or start blogging And make it controversial .. hehe
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