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Everything posted by CKS

  1. Hi, have 8 handfull @ $4 each to offer, self collect ard yishun Also willing to trade for live mysis shrimps (will throw in more than 1 handfull in exchange) / nassarius snails or other interesting reef safe invert.
  2. are u able to reveal the brands of the diff testkits? and how long did u allow the water to be out of tank b 4 getting tested?
  3. haha.. this is cute are u able to ID the virus from the process list?
  4. argh ... SH gave birth this morning .. what a timing anyway .. happy CNY to all
  5. CKS

    Remote DSB

    whats the size of your maintank? how deep is ur DSB?
  6. maybe those people have already determined the consumption rate and have comprehensive set of testkits? are u supplementing strontium, iodide, mg too? r those really necessary ?? does your coral health decline becoz of the lack of them??? maybe other bro/sis can assist .. ive not kept SPS .. dont really see the need to suppement em .. infact i'll refrain from adding anything i cannot measure i supplement my tank with alk/cal/iron which i dont really have testkits for .. i measure the intank by eyeing on the algae growth really...
  7. Thanks for the mangroves! My seahorses like them for sure!
  8. Thanks!! it pays to be patient and only get captive bred SH!! i quote AVA "you cannot teach them how to use condom .. sterilize them!" maybe becoz its their mating season.. hope it'll be over soon!
  9. i think another of my male is pregnant !! will either try again or get a fish to eat em!!! hm... how do i sterilize SH??
  10. Wah...good to see that the chaeto are growing so well!!!
  11. Updates All fries died .. again .. i think i'll just get a fish that will feed on seahorse fries on next birth think my intank kresiel system sux, exposing them to the bright light from the display tank may be one of the courses of high fatality will just use the intank kresiel to grow out ulva.
  12. Cool! Yea and maybe they can do house visit like those grassroot members ..heheh
  13. Wow!! this should be made known to SPI (http://www.spi.com.sg/)
  14. em. these r another batch.. the previous batch died Haha i dont even know if i'll be able to bring any of them up to presentable size.
  15. Updates All the fries from the last broodstock died more than a week ago Most of them were floating on the surface when i found them, and 80% of them actually got washed down to the refug when i got them. BUT, another of my seahorse gave birth this morning!! this time the father releases the fries in the in-tank kresiel setup.
  16. hahah ok bro and sis .. next time if we see someone picking LR with gloves on in LFS .. say "Hi rogerboi"
  17. lots of paper all over the net on DSB already im just gonna add on to lists of method 6. Algae filter (the challenge will be to keep them alive and thriving) 7. Remote DSB in a bucket read more about DSB bucket @ http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...threadid=595109 whats ur NO3 reading btw? dont really have to fuss over getting 0ppm too much
  18. Threads with the word "Justiana" eg - http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=38711&st=150 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=38527&st=195 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=38900&hl=
  19. could be just a light brush from bristleworm or other really harmless thingy are u still in pain? feel like vomiting?? dont really have to jump at this issue if it doesnt swell up .. ive got stung by long spined urchin (hurt for 1 whole day .. self medicate with vinegar .. never really removed the spike .. they got dissolved into my system) .. got bitten by 7" long dogface puffer (teeths mark stayed for 5min or so) .. and sometimes by some unknown thingy from LR (but i can usually spot the tiny spike and extract them! )
  20. argh!! no more identification of oddballs!!
  21. em.. its still there http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...25&pagenumber=1
  22. Thanks for the tips bro!! Hope i can still save few of them
  23. nope (oops) ... thought that the water quality will be the same as the display's because of the outlet covered with fine mesh .. hm.. Thanks for the tips bro.
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