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Everything posted by CKS

  1. hm.. but where can u get spares locally for walkera? yea.. swfit is ex coz its .30 sized heli Quick Japan EP8 is sized at .15 or so ..
  2. why do u wanna trim to the right position? it keeps dritfing left?
  3. dont worry bro .. noticed theres a small tin can.. i'll sit the batt in there while charging.. dont know if it can withstand lipo explosion .. should i try? ive some dying batt!!! how much will u offer ur IFO? man u should really try to sell them while they still have values if u dont intent to fly them.
  4. "Workshop" today!! Where did i placed that book again?!? Ok.. need to tidy up my table soon
  5. Just to liven up this thread! Pic of my "workshop" 4 mnts ago Nice and sweet, have enu room for few books
  6. reduce it if the tail starts hunting (wagging)
  7. http://www.gws.com.tw/english/product/airfly/026-300.htm
  8. trex and above sized heli is big enu to take off from grass..as long as the grass is not more than half the height of the heli..worse to worse we've to provide a makeshift landing pad if i lost my parts amoung the grass patch...haha..i'll prob just try my luck and search for 10min or so and yea..reefing is still more expensive
  9. Bigger blade increases gyroscopic effect! Heavier body dampen wind effect. And yea.. the heading hold gyro makes it easier to hover in slightly windy condition!
  10. hehe.. yea it can get quite addictive! im on my way of getting Quick of Japan EP8! ervine: wahha..i hope ur pillows r not filled with feathers!
  11. well.. it can fly... just that i find it harder to control than trex .. generally smaller heli has weaker joints .. they're not as stable (could be due to pilot too).. as a beginner, i need lots of space to hover it (dont have wide space @ home) and they're not meant for outdoor flight (too small and underpowered), so in the end i can only fly it in multistory carpark oh .. and i wasnt commenting only on huges 300.. but also any similarly sized fixed pitch heli.. i find the huges300 flies has just well as the eSky FP heli seems like we've quite a no of flier here! mabye Ian will wanna show us his hanger?
  12. well yea.. there isnt really much option with free simulator for other sim .. i'll reduce the gyro gain, double the time factor and add some wind condition to have that relistic feel!
  13. Mellow is arranging rite? heh how abt stating where u guys stay? and i shall start... CKS: Yishun Ervine, whats ur PPjoy settings like? Im using serial protocol "FMS PIC 19200 baud (0xFF sync)" Here r my settings for FMS with (AIL and ELE set to Rev on the TX) rudder 4 elevator 2 INV aileron 1 INV throttle 3 INV tail 4 nick 2 INV roll 1 INV pitch 3 INV I do have a huges300 too
  14. what do u mean by cant get it to calibrate? more specific?
  15. follow the guide here http://www.dream-models.com/eco/flying-index.html
  16. sure have taken training skid off last month .. am able to fly circuits now but not 3D yet.. should be able to help within my scope.
  17. hehe..ive tho of that b 4 chase ard my seahorses in the 3ft!
  18. woohoo!! well .. its a gd start soon you shall be hooked and may get bigger heli
  19. yep.. $1k just initial cost schoolfee not cheap
  20. haha.. it'll be more than $200 $200 for initial kit $50-100 for replacement parts can get pretty gd skimmer
  21. some comments regarding champion hobby http://www.daddyhobby.com/forum/showthread...16&page=1&pp=15 you can use eSky replacement tail motor for your huge300 .. just have to do some soldering. besides burning hole in the pocket.. you must also be able to affort the time to do some research on electronic/heli aerodynamic..etc
  22. are u able to control the tail of that heli? eg- can command it to spin clockwise or anti?
  23. try contracting bro keithtanbb also check out some of his post on mangrove setup.
  24. well bro. thats part of heli flight learning but damage cost can be avoided .. just need to know how to learn i personally find Radd's school of rotary flight very useful (http://www.dream-models.com/eco/flying-index.html) it teaches u how to hover & hold the heli in one spot (very essential 1st lesson) cant really comment which is more stable, but i'll get the heli with readily available spares. if u want really stable heli, get something bigger!!
  25. lama and other coaxial heli is easier to fly, but it wouldnt help u progress to other more common heli much... honeybee will take more time to learn .. but spare parts more readily available.
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