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Everything posted by alexgo310038

  1. hi i have some but its 2' x 1' x 1.5 i think also its only about 4-5mm thick you want just tell me where you stay i can send to you. cos me going to jurong late at about 4.30 me h/p 90032363 thanks
  2. hi guys this is my super cheapo 7' fowlr tank ( can see construction bricks ) for my fish to sleep in them
  3. hi me had a maroon clown about 2.5" how many false to swap with can pm me thanks
  4. dear ban we can get a NEW Weipro skimmer SA-2014 without pump at S$40 or less N you want to sell a used one for S$140??? is it a joke??
  5. hi me alex interested in it can Pm me how much U selling for it?? me H/P 90032363
  6. hi me alex can clear for u at S$10 well you say name a price can pm me. if you want to F me also can pm
  7. hi me alex since you say $10 are frags..or those left over than 2moro i go to your place at 1pm cos want to try how SPS's do in my 5' tank. thankx no la cos 2moro my daughter birthday need to go collect cakes at 12noon will be at your place about 1 pm.
  8. hi me alex interested in your Brazilian Gramma who much you selling??
  9. hi had Pmed you . thank alex here H/p 90032363.
  10. hi alex here still interested in the following can come look 2night??? Me H/P 90032363. yellow polyps - $3 one red with green mouth zoo - $10 one hammer abit bleach - $10 can i know how many head is there??
  11. hi me alex interested in the followings can i come C look C look me H/P is 90032363 one elegance green with purple tip - $20 yellow polyps - $3 one red with green zoo - $10 one monticap - red
  12. sorry i sms you cos i read it as sms you. sorry..... will call u at 1505 hr thanks
  13. don't get angry ok just jokking YOU code "Dun know how much to ask for, SO FREE TO OFFER " so i offer FREE la i clear for you upz for your sales
  14. hi may be you can go here he is giving away free. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32103
  15. thanks for e sands hope i can take all there must be 100's of kg. if got balance than i clear for you la..
  16. hi me alex interested how much you selling ??? any Photos?? can sms or call me H/P 90032363.
  17. hi me alex can i have it or you want to swop with fishes. (damser or puffer??) can collect anytime & anywhere you like me H/p 90032363
  18. hi boss thanks for E fish eatting liao. hope it get fat soo.
  19. hi me alex also stay in toa payoh can i have E leathers??? me H/P 90032363..
  20. hi mars, me alex can i have it me have 1 x 5' coral tank with 2 x clown N 1 x male seahose in it.E other is a 7' "fowlr" tank. my male SH is eating great but only eat live food. so every 2 day had to go buy. BTW its getting fatter & fatter.
  21. hi alex here not that no one want to buy from you. but your crown trigger is toooo. BIG la. tobad me also toooo short of cash now. a 10 cm trigger will look nice in my 7' tank. go will will my 10cm blue tang.... can hold the fishes till end of month???? can sms me if can H/P 90032363
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