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Everything posted by Bluebeta

  1. My emperor also changed from juvenile to adult in my 3ft tank. When I first got it in Sep 04, it was about 2 inch juv. It is now a fully grown 5 inch adult colouration since late last year. :-)
  2. What a beautiful French Angel you have there! Definitely my favourite. Sorry to hear about the loss. Looking forward to your fowlr tank pic in the very near future.
  3. Beautiful tank! Finally got a DC to showcase your awesome corals and fish ? Love your PBT! :-) Cheers !
  4. if you decide to sell, don't mind buying it from you. :-)
  5. You may want to try Aquarium Art at Serangoon near Mustafa. They have some very nice small ones there though a bit ex.
  6. Wow Roidan, very nice flameback and golden..! May I know if there was any aggression between these 2 pygmy angels in the same tank ?
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