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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. Mana ada Biru Punya bena kat my tank... semua coklat...... Kesian kita.... Eh Kupang (barnacle)bila nak amik gambar my tank
  2. oiE??? Tak de frag ke sapa sapa.......boelh beli..... boleh tanya si barnacle.... dia tengok my pathetic tank already..... tak de apa apa....
  3. la.... dia critique kita punya spelling..... dont want ar.... have a bigger frag of that.....hahahaha........
  4. backket tak guna,,,,.... pakai weipro,,,..... the best...lol.... any guys selling frags or want to exchANGE FRAG....???
  5. Aiya bro.. dont reproach yourself la....we all are guilty of occasionally buying thing on impulse... at one point or another... Just learn from it and dont repeat... Now u know dinosaur ,cool looking stuff are hard to keep.... Buy sps la..... hahha
  6. Aiya bro.... Take my advice and plunge into the world of sps again la....
  7. Cheap FIsh???? I myself wouldnt spend more than 20 on any fish.... you.... bought a wrasse that is more than 100+... if you are cheap.... that makes me.... i dont know what also..... ngeow??!!!!
  8. Bro... If with a budget.... Weipro would do good.....
  9. Thats one expensive house yuor wrasse is living in..... u should be knownm as the wrasse man.... haha...anyway.. sorry to hear about your expensive perhistoric loss...
  10. first of all.... welcome to the dark side.... haha... i see u sing 400 watts... congrats!!! will be getting coulourful sps soon...
  11. Bro... I thought you sold away your nautilus???
  12. I have chaeto growing in my sump.... No sand watsoever.... I leave a pink tube fl bulb (keep freshwater fish type) for 24/7 so far doing great....
  13. but u need to make sure its gel type.... liquid type i believe wont work...
  14. i voted for 1.023..... dont want to use too much salt per time... haha...
  15. I dreamt that my favourite green staghorn RTN..... I didnt dare look at my tank till 2 hours later... happened 2 weeks ago...
  16. actually you dont really need a sandbed for a refuge.... just grow chaeto will do...
  17. Hi all, I have a DI unit for sale..... The 3 Chamber type a DIY bulk order from ShootSimon.......Pls SMS 91502745 for your offers .... P.S .. Do not PM as i do not log into forums regularly...
  18. nah... not stupid..... very wise.......this is especially critical for sps ... helps remove the slime from the body of the sps as well as oxygenating the water...
  19. i highly doubt that ur coralline alge will die completely....it will be just that they wont grow as strongly.... it wont dominate ur tank.....IMO
  20. looks like not going for SPS eh???????
  21. i tried selly epoxy... found it better than we$sbond ... just my opinion
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