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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. have a feeling it is a rainbow though.... usually if it is "superman" and the polyps do brown out it will be very dark brown.. whereas frm ur pic it looks light brown with a hint of green...
  2. the sps on post #485 looks like it will turn red?... hmm i also dont know what it is...
  3. 5 years no water change and coral still colourful..... ur skimmer really working.... haha.... well... if it aint broken.. dont fix it....lol... just continue doing what u do lo.... adding a new tank means putting in new water.... suggest u use natural seawater?
  4. dont think will crash la.... tank so stable.... just dont add more fish la.... lol and judging from ur tank pic... u hardly got space for anymore colonies.... frags lo... like me... colelct frag only... trying hard to stay away frm colonies.... tired of battling pests....
  5. looks like it have blue polyps? bird of paradise? <--- i may be serverely wrong though
  6. personally saw this tank.... wonderful.... very nice!!
  7. are those soft or hard.... if soft it is devil's hand ... if it hard and the inside skeleton is blue.... it is a heliopora coral.....
  8. answer on his behalf.... NO !!! lol... everything in his tank is like a jigsaw puzzle... fit piece by piece...
  9. yo bro,...needs more sps... other than that its a very nice tank shot..,.
  10. its a nice piece... seen in in person under metal halide.... very green! too bad i am going for frags now.... broke!!
  11. i cant even bring myself to watch it man... closed it when i saw the guy skinning the wiggling seal....
  12. will throw in 5 colonies of indo zoas... and one alding rock of green shroom....
  13. Hi, I have a crocea clam (blue) for trade.... would like to exchange it for any SPS... pls message me the type,colour and size of sps u wish to change it with....am not that fussy.... reason for trade..... flow is a little too harsh for the clam withmy new rockscape..... traders welcome to come over and view... pls do sms me thanks regards, Omar 91502745
  14. interesting... i bought the skimmer at 45.... so far ao good....
  15. are u by any chance the fire starter from Homebrew?
  16. how many liter per hour pump does it need ar?
  17. true victor007... but we cant discredit his observation that his fish/sickly at first became stronger.... perhaps the elements did or did not help....perhaps its sheer coincidence that his fish miraculously recovered... more observation and test set up need to happen....( may i stress caution is required when testing as we do not know what the minerals can do at high levels) and correct no fish lives in utah salt lake... but he did not change his whole tank with the "utah saltlake concentrate" he merely used it as some sore of a supplement... Peace and reef on bros
  18. nah ... it wont.... lol... wet,frozen, troublesome food for copperband
  19. want to give also difficult... sua la.... hougang is like only 10 minutes by car from geylang east.....and probably 25 minute by bus 80....
  20. i have a pocci frag... Pm me... living in geylang east
  21. You see... i told u already,... u cannot stay away from salty stuff..... good to have u back!!!
  22. With this new data..... It now seems your Mag &CA is too low.... Recommended level is 1200 never let it fall below 1000 . . ..Your Kh is a little tad high.... Perhaps u can bring it to NSW level of 8-9 . . Would be great..... But this point is arguable... some reefers prefer to boost up the KH ...... Great to hear ur Yellow Stag has regrown again...
  23. STN / RTN refers to Slow Tissue Necrosis / Rapid TIssue Necrosis... It is what u have described... Tissue Flying off.....the difference between the two is that with STN the tissue comes off slowly.... WIll take months before the whole coral is stripped of tissues.. with RTN the whole coral is stripped off its tissue in a matter of hours....... how is it doing BTW?
  24. Bro, I think your MAG is abit too high for comfort... Try bringing down the level slowly.... As you have described the Stag has either STN/RTN . . . . I am not predicting a total death but its better to be prepared for the worst and move on
  25. I NSF la... Earning up to 500 / month..... But addicted to SPS..lol
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