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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. this thread becoming more interesting... hmm seafood..... I am sure the AVA does random sampling of produce before it ends up in market in crisis time or in normal time? Am curious how is the "kelong" sponserer is affected (forget whats their name is) ? i can safely deduce that since thir concept of caging fish in the water body itself... they are imapcted the most?
  2. in that case that might explain the extra oil presence in your tank?
  3. thanks for hilighting that part bino... in which case... we are presented with a new problem.... oil dispersant possibly having compounds that can wreck havoc in tanks .... Speaking about filter.... how's about those wanting to use NSW filter their water with say Polyfilter.... and carbon?
  4. what advantages does oyster shell has over aragonite.... both made of the same material..... i dont think it does anything to marine tank..... proven that Shells/aragonite will not alter water chemistry in full strength Seawater.... Maybe CR media? hmm... thats something to think about ... Perhaps more advantagous for F/w Tanganyika/malawi chiclids keeps.... ?
  5. use white la..... lol... cheap.... reflects light to the underside of the corals... hehe
  6. gerard_boon : Did you recently change the food used to feed the LS in your tank.. Might explain the oil layer. . . becauze frommy understanding (from a reputable LFS) they do not take the water at the surface... they put it midway into the water columme and extract via a pump.....
  7. while there is no undisputed evidence stating that usage of NSW leads to fish death/skimmer going nuts etc etc.... there are also lots of people who said that their tank's problem started with using NSW after the incident happen... so i guess to err on caution here.... To be fair.... Singapore Straits has a huge volume of vessel traffic.... small oil discharges tend to happen..(at port).. its just that it never reaches the shore / beaches... and all this while before the accident ppl have been using NSW some with problem others with success... so there is nothing new here.... ppl with concrete evidence that their tank has suffered directly due to the oil spill pls post here so we can learn. For what its worth... I have been a NSW user for years before my decomm....
  8. true... not using NSW up till next year.... ok i admit... my tank only ready next year ... lol.... so can afford to look and see...
  9. white!!! so... whats going on.... scrapped the idea of RCSD?
  10. alamak.... you never tell me earlier..got friend interested.. cousin leh you.... to be fair to everyone .... i bid 102. . .
  11. thanks for the answer bro
  12. 1) Kelvin70 2) Raydiative (Simei) 3) Justin @ Pasir ris 4) digibee 5) peacemaker 6) dachkie (tampines) 7) nwyk153(tampines) 8) dazza ( Siglap ) 9) samsies 10) eChan 11) Magnet(Sengkang) 12) solo77(punggol) 13) cool guy (tampines) 14) BFG (Simei) 15) LemonLemon (Tana merah, but i sometimes live in the west too) 16) mengyang_neo (buangkok) 17) Legendz1987 (tampines) 18) chercm (pasir ris ) 19)Eniram (simei) 20)wilsontantw (Bedok Reservoir) 21) jythong (Changi) 22) Copperband (Aljunied)
  13. 1 question.... Does it cure rock hard (like concrete) or is it like styrofom?..... Thinking of using this to cover overflow (an eyesore in the middle) do not like the idea of putting rocks leaning on it..... i was wondering can we make a hole with say a penknife/screwdriver and stuff in corals (like styrofoam) once cured?
  14. hmm..... HAVE ALready invested in an aquabee pump... (2000/i) .... which is only 2000l/h...... well bro goondoo.... u have PM.... i am still in need of a pump for some other project brewing in my head ...
  15. AH.... thank you..... get the concept PPl: He is not using a weipro anymore..... he has 2 workhorse in there ... lol
  16. ah jack ah, The water from main tank enters the sump where the skimmer is then goes to the LR settling chaber and then goes into (i dont know/forget what that is... pls enlighten me) then goes to an externally mounted return pump? Correct?
  17. Ogy.... tunjuk sikit lah tank yang ada kat rumah tu
  18. This was my tank last time... couple of reefers could attest accompanying me and helping me lug lots of jerrycan worth of water....
  19. Have used NSW for my sps tank before..... No problems....but pls pay attention to CA/KH/MAG levels.... maybe its just that now due to the oil spill... maybe will have issues.... just wait it out lo... time being use Synthetic Seawater..... Perhaps i only dare use the NSW only next year ....
  20. ouh.... kira routine health check la ni... ok ok..... will get back to you....2000l/h flow cukop tak untok chiller ni?
  21. noted for the CR..that one no problem... sekarang ni chiller ni... what exactly the masalah.... general servicing ke speicific part servicing?
  22. OK.... chiller apa model.... jadi gua boleh kasi fair quote....
  23. jack ah jack.. dsb still serving you well?? Sump pics leh.... ran out of ideas for mine alr...
  24. haben yet... ahhaha.... slowly getting the tank part by part.... thats why asking Mr Barnacle here whether can sell anot... so i can start slightly ahead of schedule......
  25. letak aje sembarang..... hahaha.... interested in chiller and CR....
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