Hi i got a rio32HF for my beckket skimmer.... found out that the turbulance inside is too much that it is affecting the skimmer output...... if anybody got a rio 24HF do PM we can do a direct one on one exchange...
1) i reserve the right to whom i want to exchange it with
2) PPL with bad reputations will most likely not be entertained
3) the person who i agree to exchange with must come with the rio20HF pump on hand to do the direct exchange at my house......
Some reefers here have a copperband butterfly fish in his sps tank with no problems.... ITs a matter of luck and depending on the individual fish ... sometimes if u sway sway get those fish that eat corals ....... sometimes you will get those who will never touch corals..... Generally the 'safer' butterflyfish is chelmon rostratus (copperband butterflyfish)
Erm.... bro marble... for your tank, since you indicated you will be going for LPS and softies,... The T5 would be good enough..But you will need alot of tubes... supplement the 2 T5 with 2 150W metal halide would be great. Hope this helps....
Cooking of rocks involves alot of patience....... Must store rocks in seawater for a few months... give and take probably three months... and during the three months ....swish the rocks around, and you must do weekly water changes...... for me i just store the rocks in dark thats all.... never really change water... but before i put the rock in my tank i swish it sround on the pail first...
IT is dead rocks.... OR at least 90% of the live rocks good stuff is dead ... u need to recycle the rocks...means put it in a tub of seawater and wait for it to cure,... but let me warn you it will be a smelly process...
Bro... i have an extra tank.... i make it into a covered freshwater reservouir .... As for the lid... i just custom make 2 pieces of glass lid as a cover,.......
Slow dosing of Kalkwasser throughout the day will help improve coralline algae growth.... Also increasing tht actnic lights on your tank will also help....