Aiya bro.. dont reproach yourself la....we all are guilty of occasionally buying thing on impulse... at one point or another... Just learn from it and dont repeat... Now u know dinosaur ,cool looking stuff are hard to keep.... Buy sps la..... hahha
Cheap FIsh???? I myself wouldnt spend more than 20 on any fish.... you.... bought a wrasse that is more than 100+... if you are cheap.... that makes me.... i dont know what also..... ngeow??!!!!
Thats one expensive house yuor wrasse is living in..... u should be knownm as the wrasse man.... haha...anyway.. sorry to hear about your expensive perhistoric loss...
Hi all,
I have a DI unit for sale..... The 3 Chamber type a DIY bulk order from ShootSimon.......Pls SMS 91502745 for your offers ....
P.S .. Do not PM as i do not log into forums regularly...
nah... not stupid..... very wise.......this is especially critical for sps ... helps remove the slime from the body of the sps as well as oxygenating the water...