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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. Still Blue- Yang benda biru biruan itu.. boleh frag??? Kita buat frag exchange ngan kertas ar??? u give me frag... i give you kertas ... Kertas apa eh?? kertas yang ada yusof ishak nye muka tu,.,,,,, amacam>?
  2. till blue... I dont think thats a green humillis.... The tips is too blunt to be a humillis... I think most likely a staghorn.... Thick stem staghorn ar,,,
  3. Teritip.... Cantik ar frag tu?? sapa nye ar???
  4. aku la tu.... terlupa password la... jadi pakai yang baru nye la.... err.... Azlindaza- i using resun chiller cl-650 teritip... itu dari mana tu... bawak frag sikit la...
  5. Congratz azlin.... muat pun benda tu..... all- apa makna udang curry..... baca sampai sekarang tak paham....apa yang unique pasal udang curry ni,,,... cerita sikit la..
  6. Azlin- I suggest beli reef octopus baik sikit.... weipro gua pakai untuk gua nye Natural Seawater Storage Facility (NSW-SF)... tapi kalau nak pakai weipro jugak... pakai pump flowrate tinggi and tune skimmate to very very wet..... Khairil- Finally you can put frags at the Cave!!! tapi sedih jugak ar.....all the best/....
  7. bulan lepas kita nye bill 0.80c aje.... tengok pun terkejut.... masih ada simpan bill yang bersejarah itu..... lol....gembira siol tengok bill bersen aje,...
  8. Beli Aje Beckket if i not wrong someone ada jual la.... murah!!! BUT... Beckket high maintenance.... Must weekly maintain it to keep it in tip top condition whereas needlewheel macam deltec or H&S just plug and play... But no skimmer in the world can beat the power of a well tuned beckket skimmer....
  9. when Changing water Mix the tapwater with seasalt.. When topping up water due to evaporation Just add tapwater...
  10. Ikan banyak pakai beckket atau Reef octopus ar.... macam kita ikan satu ekor aje.... macro aje la.... Kita nye Natural seawater storing facility pakai weipro skimmer.... Skarang nak cultivate habit untuk process air laut sebelum pakai.... lol....
  11. Apa hal pulak test kit POlice nye property!! seram siol..
  12. Clowny lover... I want to rebutt your statement... If your water is really bad... your SPS can turn white in a matter of hours not months... Bhh- As per above statement... Please tell us more about ur setup and husbandry...
  13. coral farm kadang kadang aje ada sps... but their colonies besar macam tempayan siol.... at least 8 inch and above... dorang export pegi USA la.... Thanks for the offer Lan... as regarding kat lagi satu site tu.... mengucap aja la.... dunia ni banyak dugaan.... buat bodoh sua....Nanti gua suruh mod dekat situ amik action as i feel that salah satu ornag tu overbord la...
  14. ok la.... Oh ... MAsuk Hospital eh.... Lagi satu batch nak check in kat SGH (shakir general hospital)... Ingat tau.... Jangan lupa.....
  15. Si teritip ni bukan tak pass ... Dia malas... Suruh 100% water change tak nak..... buat la water change tu... Boleh letak frags..... Anyway sinn.. Kat east area ada rockyboy and me,... Feel free to PM me... for rocky boy... u tanya dia la... but he very approachable la...
  16. kita pun dah pakai skimmer.... Macro.... lol
  17. Orite ... Stylo dah power.... Amacam ngan yang lain lain tu... Tunjuk la... jangan malu malu..... Yellow ar.... Gua ada.... Tapi frag kecik aje..... Yellow and blue eh.... These two colours very difficult to maintain tau..... Blue Millie gua dah jadi bown.. Nasib baik ada lagi satu frag,,, yang kat my thread,.....yellow... Ada satu millie.... ngan astu acro ar.... But yellow-greenish,.,,,,, Solid yellow satu ornag aje ada..... Si Vincent.,.,..... Yellow lokani... tapi dia tak nak jual ar..... Ps.... MANA .... Kat mana part aljunied ada red stag???
  18. ISh.... satu weekend aku tak masuk macam macam kornag bual???? Memang betul.... Si Rockyboy nye rumah... VEry NICe!!!! Macam istana....
  19. Nitrate Nitrate ar... Simpan SPS ke simpan Nitrate... Jangan peduli sangat la... asal SPS boleh colour dah boleh,,,Tapi Gua nye SPS ada colour jugak...Lu nye??. Cakap pasal colour.... Ur pink Prostrata you letak kat rumah 1... Got two colours now... Pink and green......
  20. The one you bought over la.... KAoz....dah lupa ke....
  21. Update : I dose 5 teaspoon of the Magnesium per day.... No side effect at all... Only notice bryopsis dying....
  22. Ni nak tanya sikit... Ada tak reefers yang nak Sera Denitrator...... ??
  23. Ish!!! abeh bilang orang.... nanti rumah kita kena rompak macam mana.,,,,,.....
  24. For wednesday gua tak leh pegi la..... Kerja,...... anyway reefdepot things semua macam barang baik...... harga macam satu bulan nye gaji... Golden octopus pulak.... Tak favourite ar kedai tu..... barang dia semua barang baik.... Tak boleh dibeli.... anyway just to inform everybody,,... Aquaria Art has stopped operations as of saturday 1800hrs 19/05/2007... Gua tolong dia buat closing.... Banyak benda dia kat my tank.. Display tank nye coral also kat my tank.... I intend to give some kat si rocky boy and Barnacle.... My two Tank nannies.... BUkan coral aje aku kebas.... macam macam lagi ..... hanya tuhan aje boleh balas jasa Hon wei.... lol.....
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