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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. ni ada cadangan untuk menjampi.... "starve your fish"
  2. Welcome ian.... thanks for your interest.... a point to note.... anything regarding the Quartery meeting we will converse in english... so that out non malay reefing brothers will not feel left out.....
  3. BErapa lu mau offer untuk kerik you punya tank??? chiller atau deltec skimmer tu?? No skimmate accepted.
  4. rockyboy ... lu chairman ar for this upcoming meeting,....
  5. Hi all, apologies for the late reply... sibuk ar kat office..... ni ada fikir nak resign ni,...... dah bukan bukan ar office ni..... moving forward.... Agenda for ROMR Quarterly Meeting Venue : RockyBoy House ( Chairperson of Meet) TIme : TBA Date :TBA Agenda action by 1. Calibration of refrac/hydro Skyline 2. Frag Exchange Rockyboy 3. Reefkeeping discussion Barnacle -Doesing of Mag/CA/KH -Sandbed issues -water changes?? -How to stick frags 4. snacks (lan... bawak epok epok ar) Skyline 5. Rounding LFS own time own target going as big group Hi all, We have the agenda, the venue, the snacks.... all we need is a time and date... so all those interested please put down time and date avialble..... preferably saturdays.... Please bring frags.... as long as you can frag bring it on.... I will be recording minutes that day so that we can upload into ROMR for beginners reference.... not a malay only meeting.... open to all....
  6. Gambo tu bawah 14k MH.... sarang burung tu tak leh la.... satu frag aje.... kesiankan lah aku ni,...... yang biru tu boleh....
  7. A point to take note of is that mangrove will suck in alot of magnesium from your seawater.... and the growth rate is too slow to see any affect.... it will take alot of mangrove saplings to make a difference... and with alot of mangroves... your mag values will go down rapidly....
  8. entah..... kata ada gathering..... kat ur place or iwarna....?? kalau takde kita pegi rounding ar??
  9. Lu dah ada apa..... nak share apa.... kasi lah chance orang lain pulak.... by the way... itu gambar tak ada edit apa apa.... cuma contrast and brightness aje,......
  10. tak kesian ke aband kita tu.... nak kena tutup kedai..... amacam ??? location meet kat mana?? give more details la skyline...
  11. Walt disney kepala kau da..... lol.... Walt smith la... nampak sah dari GO kan ???
  12. Oie Teritip.. P0st gambar tank sikit ar...
  13. This subject is not a matter of which is better than which... it is more of a opinion... Some people think NSW is better and some think Synthetic is better....So what ever floats your boat ..... For me i am using NSW it is reasonably good... and extremely convenient... need not mix and mix.... just buy and use immediate,.... I try not to store NSW .. IF in the event i need to store... I will run a skimmer or at least a pump... to keep things circulating..... Been using NSW for close to 6 months already.... So if u got any questions can direct to me ....
  14. Azlin- Itu ikan kena panau la.... lol... most likely kena ich.... there are medications for ich... tapi LR and all filter media kena bawak keluar.,... kalau tidak semua mati...
  15. Liverpool.... Best is jangan pakai obat apa apa la.... do more water change and increase flow towards the area.....Tu aje.... All our aquariums punya hal boleh diobatkan dengan waterchange,..... tapi sebelum tukar air.... baca sikit bismillah ke,,.... baca yassin ke??? lol... On a serious note ... all our aquarium problems can be solved to a certain degree or another through water change.... Anyone nak challang notion itu??
  16. Still Blue- Yang benda biru biruan itu.. boleh frag??? Kita buat frag exchange ngan kertas ar??? u give me frag... i give you kertas ... Kertas apa eh?? kertas yang ada yusof ishak nye muka tu,.,,,,, amacam>?
  17. till blue... I dont think thats a green humillis.... The tips is too blunt to be a humillis... I think most likely a staghorn.... Thick stem staghorn ar,,,
  18. Teritip.... Cantik ar frag tu?? sapa nye ar???
  19. aku la tu.... terlupa password la... jadi pakai yang baru nye la.... err.... Azlindaza- i using resun chiller cl-650 teritip... itu dari mana tu... bawak frag sikit la...
  20. Congratz azlin.... muat pun benda tu..... all- apa makna udang curry..... baca sampai sekarang tak paham....apa yang unique pasal udang curry ni,,,... cerita sikit la..
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