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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. Highly recommend a 90 % Kekabu Change followed by sprinkling of rowaphos in there just for good measure...
  2. Kerek- short form "character" la.. or simply... action abit...
  3. Sejak bila ikan aku masuk survivor... agak nye kalau dia masuk confirm menang nye.... 1,000,000 USD....
  4. tak de la... 6 line gua takde habit untuk datang kat front when i come near the tank... pasal satu tahun dah tak kasi makan...
  5. Terima kasih lah banyak banyak kepada rozlan.... yang bermalam degan coral tank aku,,.,,
  6. thanks skylian.... IAn- The blue stag i mention is the tiny frag on the coral skeleton.... any ID?>
  7. OVerdue setengah jam siol .... lol... tapi area kita jarang ar kena saman.... kalau nasib tak baik aje la....
  8. Mana ni si SkyLine.... Semalam dah petik banyak gambar...
  9. Thats how birdnest are,,..... best use brute force and a very sharp bone cutter...
  10. Bone cutter is good to have,,,,Lepas tu mana tahu nak buat DIY surgery... boleh pakai
  11. I think i sound mean lei... sorry bro skylian
  12. Someone is a clutz and dropped his birdnest and tenuis while fragging it....that is a summary of what happen....
  13. ISh... tak pe la... boleh donate kat kita semua.... gua nye tank boleh accept...
  14. Thanks.... Ya... Kita nye hari birthday,..... lol...
  15. Depends dude... But in my humble opinion ( i am keeping full sps tank) that small regular waterchange is the best way to go.... i find that if i do not change the water regularly the water will more or less slightly turn yellow... of course there is carbon....but i dont want to depend solely on it.... so what i did was jusy change with NSW per weekend...
  16. oIE.. Rozlan... besok lu datang... kalau nak sedekah apa apa... boleh la... tank kita boleh terima.... lol
  17. Walaupun iwarna nye vanuatu shipment cukup mengecewakan.... semua nak mampos,brown atau stress rabak.... ternampak pulak auntie bawak parang... dekat tangan sebelahnya ternampak colony hyacinthus yang telah separuh mati... dia memotong macam pak cik jual daging kat geylang... ku offer dia 20 ketul untuk "rescue" yang tercedera ......sekarang dah selamat kat rumah ku... Sang teritip sudah nampak hyacinthus... Terpandang pulak dekat frag tank dia... bersepah adalah purple humillis... ku mengutip frag itu dan memasang muka yang cukup kisan...kemudian mencapai wallet ku untuk memberi kertas kat auntie... Apa yang aku merepek ini!???
  18. gua nye factory supplement arriving at 4 pm.... bye bye supplemt buyinh
  19. Itu yang barang baik tu(biru) bawak sini sikit.... Skylian nye frag tak leh kasi chance....
  20. tolong lah resize gambar tu.... DKH 78-79... KAu bia betik!!! nak bunuh coral kau ke apa...
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