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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. lu beli itu granulosa dah cukup dah.. ur tank pun takde kan....
  2. Lu letak jenis jenis deepwater SPS.... MAcam Granulosa,Suharsonoi Dan lain lain lagi... Blue/Purple tip Granulosa kat iwarna murah murah .... 25ketul dah boleh dapat satu "Meja".. Besar pulak tu... colour pun menarik... Granulosa susah nak jadi brown ar....atau kalu lu nak boleh letak Luminous green Birdnest....
  3. Zipp86.. Wow i learn something new... May i ask how is your SPS colours doing? Care to post a picture of your reef..
  4. Ya i feel you man.... Skarang kat ROMR ada owner Purple monti cap seh..!!
  5. Thanks Bro Tazperlin... UR Zoas is terrific too... Very bright and colourful...
  6. holiday ke apa?? Beli LS sudah... tak paya pergi ni semua holiday ni.... buat penat aje..lol
  7. A.Tortusa... At least i think it is...
  8. I believe this is a granulosa,....??
  9. aDA tu ada la.... Tapi kena tunggu sekejab.... probably in one month time i will give you both..
  10. My Superboy.... Not yet a man as it is too tiny....
  11. My tiny blue stag..Please not i purposeply places it inbetween a dead sps skeleton so everyone can see the real colour.....lol
  12. Top of my reef.... the so called reef crest
  13. Hi, as per attached pic... my tank...under actinic
  14. Ada sapa sapa kat sini nak orange monti tak? big piece?
  15. Vortech memang gerek beb... tapi kalau nak beli.... Kena lah berpuasa lagi 2 bulan... bangkrupt aku!!!
  16. I would like to retract my statement about this guy.... Geesh !! come on man... Tunze take never pay then must people remind you then claim will settle ASAP... This is a hobby man.... do not buy anything if u are short handed... Apologies if i sound harsh... if you are really hard up dont spend it on hobby... spend it on other things in life.. such as family/ child/ food... Once again apologies for the harsh words...
  17. Aku pun nak Magnesium... rockyboy..... aku dose 30 sudu satu minggu... seperate to three different days...
  18. Sapp- Lets give him the benefit of the doubt.. Perhaps his water not up to standard and all died or perhaps he sold away.. or perhaps he really did his best and somehow all just died... All i am saying is that if people want to give and he want to receive its up to them.. Lets not make this thread sour... Chercm- I am not siding you... PErhaps you did try or perhaps you did not try... perhaps you need to try buying in stead or asking people for frags...you seriously need to stock up and prove to people u can keep sps .... Peace all~ If any party feel hurts i apologize i am standing on the side of reason...
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