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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. hidup 12k 400w . . . . The best lighting i ever used
  2. Zipp... I disagree.... If there is a one off change from 1.025-1.023 ... it wouldnt be much of a deal... the point when it gets harmful to corals will be you keep changing and changing your salinity a few time within a period of a few days...
  3. Simple... he just doesnt pick up!!!
  4. this is a tough case... must be strong ya bro... In this tye of case there can be only two outcome and you must decide which the outcome will be : 1. Keep quiet and take this as an expensive experience learnt and move on (difficult i know.. Its not the amount of $$ but the feeling of being ripped off.. Heck nobody likes to be cheated) 2. Consider seeking legal actions (more money) but you might gain the sense of accomplisment in having the bugger pay you..... You choose bro.....
  5. Rockyboy- Nanti tahun 2009 boleh lah kita petik dari lu pulak... Ini nanti nak dekat masuk NS confirm ada casuelty...
  6. I see you are using a zeovit system.... Just my 2 cents but could it be that your zeovit is working at its peak therefore nothing for the skimmer to skim out... Care to share your parameters and LS load
  7. kena jugak kau uyopong.... Jadi kau uyopony...!!! lol
  8. barnacle skarang dah kaya dengan SPS ar... Tank aku pun kalah... Ro11- Cat la sikit itu canopy.... kasi nampak berseri sikit.... nampak macam cacat kalau colour tak matching dengan cabinet.... By the way.. nice DIY... Gua rasa a combination of 12k 400w & 4 x 39w T5 (1 fiji purple,2 ATI blue bulb,1 ATI Red bulb) gerek tapi sayang tank aku boleh muat 2 x t5 aje....
  9. Just to share with everyone...what i ahve been busy with....these few days... my own DIY DI factory.. Here is the simple diagram... fr.bmp
  10. In theory higher salinity enables more CA/MG ions to dissolve in water therefore promoting growth.. but easy with the salinity bro.. dont shock it..
  11. iF given a choice between the two.. I would go for Kalk... Its more cheapear... But in the long term dosing the 3 part food chemical great would maintain the alk/kh/ca needs of the reef. . . . the amount of kalk you need to dose will be dependant on the evaporation amount.... therefore sometimes your reef is not getting its required ions...
  12. Finally dah boleh masuk pun....Rockyboy- Saturday ni ada gathering ke??
  13. mak oie... Orang langit tu pandai main "tai chee" ar... kita nak cubit dia..dia pergi tolak kat ornag lain pulak....
  14. Itu lah.. Ada orang dari "Langit" tu yang beli lumenarc... Mula Mula cakap HidopT5.... Skarang dia pulak beli MH.... apa jadi beb...
  15. Skyline Dia tongkat tongkat ini semua tak main... Dia pakai pil biru tu
  16. Rockyboy-Bila lu upgrade?? !!!! tak jadi pakai 3 x mh?
  17. Skyline -Remaja!!!?????? Remaja Berjangot nampaknye..... LoL Skyline- Kalau nak kasi boleh diterima. . . Tapi diharamkan masuki my tank... Sump aje lah!!! ... Ish dah sepuluh . . . dah pakai ballast yang gua kasi ke apa?? Uyopong- Aku pun tengah tunggu hello kitty aku ni. . . See ya tonight!!
  18. Iyer ke.... I thought its because of his FiJI tube?? Kita pakai satu atau dua aje.... dia pakai nam dok. . . terang!!!!
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