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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. skyline- bila la tank lu nye tank nak fill up... dari dulu sampai skarang tak penuh pun....
  2. ariff . . . What i ment is that now i have done my di unit i am able to have purified water daily therefore can mix daily and change daily . . . Dulu kalau pakai natural sea water must wait for rockyboy car aru boleh beli . . . My intention for changing water daily is to let my tank be so nutrient poor that the corals will be pastel colour . . . Once i reach that stage i will only change water once a week
  3. coralife salt oright . . . Skarang da ada di unit hari hari satu pail . . . 5 gallon . . . Nanti colour da pastel baru once per week . . . Dulu kalau pakai nsw every week at least 100l for my 400l tank . . .
  4. angelfishlover : your comments regarding people old and having back pains is inappropriate . . . Correct its a fact but its best kept to yourself . . . Among ourselves we know its a joke but what about someone new pops in . . . What will they think . . . This serves as a reminder not to you but also to me and all others who surf this forum Skyline: tunjuk stylo aje . . . Tunjok yg lai Yang lain la . . . Rockyboy & uyopong . . . Tonga da reseb untuk you both . .
  5. apa lu epoxy burung rockyboy . . . Tak pe la lagi pun skarang dia pun kena puasa
  6. agak nye wak golf stick frag pakai tunze epoxy sampai pinggang patah tak . . . Rockyboy-sama la . . . Pasal system yussof is zeovit itu pasal colour fade . . .
  7. perasan aje !. .tak la never collect for you . . Lu nye frag hello kitty maseh ada kat rockyboy nye place . .
  8. ini hari wak golf kita banyak bawak frag . . . A fruitful gathering . . .
  9. ini hari wak golf kita banyak bawak frag . . . A fruitful gathering . . .
  10. But still with looking down and the inborn instinct to aim.. People still miss the target and end up creating mass murder of all the ants on the toilet floor...
  11. Can anyone share where his website is?
  12. Woah!! how many helfrinchis do you have man? lol Anyway upz
  13. Dia melayu celup la... tak de la.. bukan dating.... nak amik benda radioactive nye benda... kena pergi sampai kat western area untuk amik ....
  14. Ingat ar pukul empat... Ro11- see you at 2 pm
  15. Yup... that is... bu not to worry... IT will recover without any issue provided you dont move it around unless necessary and feed it often
  16. Sapa sapa kat sini ada valida frags?? aku nak try la
  17. What a coincidence... i also now collecting ZOas... cannot afford sps liao... at most i can afford is frags lo... lol
  18. Bertapa untuk apa? skill makansutra ke skill kamasutra...... kalah haji... haji tak sampai 30 hari 30 malam
  19. Brain teaser la... untuk wakes you up pagi pagi buta ini....
  20. hmm... ya lo... Hum tank cannot have angels.... they just dont want...
  21. Dok.. Memang gaji buta,.,.... main internet sampai naik mendak... maklum lah kerja part time to fill up time sebelum NS... kalau tidak sapa nak kasi bapak aku makan....
  22. tAK habis dengan tongkat ali.... takde ke minumam lain.... cuppachino ke, mocca ke....
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