tomowilson- netting out the Detritus will not only be time consuming... you might risk constantly stressing your Fish/corals...
Whitefish- A long term solution is needed.... perhaps a picture of what exactly the dust looks like? and how are your LS taking it? are they stressed?
I am not sure if you can use them... Mostly avilable from here is dyed... so unsuitable... i know caribsea has a particular brand thats black sand... ? perhaps check out reef depot ?
mostly people here use fine white sand to reflect back the light to the undersides of their corals.......
i believe its very difficult to drill an already used tank . . . Might risk cracking.... Must you really use a sump? if you do then getting a good reliable overflow pipe might help.... ?
Let me know how i can assist you...
Thanks & Best Regards,
Mobile : 9 150 2 745
Pakai Gula la... Same carbon source.... Why some people Use Vodka & Sugar is that due to the carbon source they promote different strain bacteria eg:
Vodka :XYS strain
Sugar : ABC Strain
Vinegar : JKL strain
So dosing will promote bacteria growth....
Tapi satu hari boleh dose satu sudu biru salifert kicik aje....After that can dose abit more slowly...
Ariff- Orite la skimmate lu... Water level dalam sump tu macam gitu pun bagus ar...
Nak tanya sikit... Your plug extension kat tepi your floss chamber tu danger sikit la kalau tak cover.... takut mercit...Merbahaya!!!
Mata dah kero agaknye minum kopi ..... Which one is the yellow convexa.... I think i was referring to the picture posted by Uyopong....the tiny green piece with purple polyps...
Detritus at least suck up once a week ar kalau mampu.... while doing water change... Jadi jernih sikit tank..... Floss change should be at 3 days if rajin.... or max 5 days ar... if you have strong skimmer like most of you have ...should not have any negative impact if the tank is well maintained
Satu hari overdue aje... balik kerja lekas lekas tukar and do WC la.... Or ask your maid take out the floss.... tapi suruh dia cuci tangan dulu tau bersih bersih... Mana tau ada bekas minyak atau sabun ke....
Alah filter wool aje....
Gua lagi masalah besar.... Terlupa tukar air.... Ini hari kena tukar nye,,,
Barnacle- Ini agaknye hulk Betina Kot.... pakai pink ribbons....
Itu pasal la... Hulk acro memang ada few types la... its a common name la... asal happy sudah
Macam Luminous Green Birdnest.... ada orang panggil fiber optic birdnest... ada orang panggil radioactive birdnest... and orang panggil mutant birdnest...
So regarding uyopong's nye... since it took the colour of purple polyps & greenish shade of green body... we call it woodlands Gergasi hijau la...