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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. oh no... just look around at pasar malam .. am sure you can find someone selling/giving them from time to time
  2. i will also feast on them... provided its cooked in sambal.... lol... sorry to dilute.... couldnt resist... to add on.... Plants such as chaeto can be useful and has the capability to grow fast and absorb nutrients...
  3. Musscles need highly nutrient rich water to thrive... else they wont get enough to survive..... Typically not doing well in house aquaria with the usage of protein skimmers and other nutrient export method.... To get them to thrive you need to feed them which is counter productive... Go green... use plants/algae.. lol
  4. is the in and out connected correct manner? Not sure if u get what i mean.... some people connect it in the reverse order resulting in this issue
  5. yo bro... finally can see the reflector being used.... hahaha.... great to finally see a tank... catch up soon ya
  6. Is your air-con gonna be on 24/7?... if not may i suggest getting a simple chiller dedicated to the tank....temp is more stable that way..... PS: I did what you did the last time however i offed the air conditioner at night... Long story short... corals didnt tur out great....
  7. Bro... It state there it comes with a magnet to mount it direft to the wall of the tank...(preferable neater method as comparing to using brackets)
  8. i see great... got the perfect small tank for them.... how abt lights... brighter better eh??!!haha
  9. on the topic of Rics... do they generally do better on Higher nutrient water or nutrient poor... been wondering for some time alr
  10. majority of the people is using DI alone as a source of pure water... (should have included that in the list of answers) but anyways moving forward if given a choice between RO/DI and Tapwater... of course RO/DI would be a better option... Remember Tapwater quality varies from area to area.... and also how old the flats are...
  11. Some specimens are known to take aiptasia, but not with as much gusto as their loser counterpart, the copperband butterflyfish, which hardly thrives when compared to these. Longnose butterflyfishes are beautiful yellow an black, with gorgeous dorsal spines to enhance those killer features. it's a beautiful fish and i would choose this over a boring yellow tang ANY day. plus, they require less space than an active tang and often like swimming upside down under rocks and caves, which adds so much character. would sure like to know why is the copperband is known as a "loser counterpart"
  12. Dont think u can add SPS corals either.... the Horsie will cling onto the SPS stressing it.... and SPS cant thrive in the lowered water flow environment required by the Seahorse.... Hmm... IMO also best not to keep seahorse with fish in general... they eat way faster than the SH does....
  13. can someone give a ROUGH price of how much it cost for say a 2 x 2 sheet aluminuim 3mm thickness??
  14. what else can we expect from our resident SPS guru.... which in a way good for us... more of JAck's Frags to go around
  15. tank looks very neat and clean.....u are using a hang on back filter?? and is the SH feeding?
  16. yup.. thats the update i was asking about..... last i heard from him... he setting up a 4 x 1 x 1 darn expensive pleco taNK??
  17. oie!!!!!! any updates??!!
  18. hmm.... bro steven....any chance you seeing the guppy eating stuffs like red slime algae or hair algae or bryopsis... i got to admit its gonna be weird seeing a guppy in a marine tank.... but i guess a molly would look nice... especially a black one (not many cheap totally black marine fish)... do let us know your finding??
  19. hmm... brudder... why guppy in marine tank?? Experiment eh? might be a new source of algae eaters?
  20. upz.... anybody wants the CR and not the CO2 cylinder... can share with me.... i am just looking aT the CO2 cylinder and the grotec magnesium only.... Upz
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