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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. HI, All Reefers wanting to come tonight please do sms me again with nick/name and time coming Regards, Omar I just want to ensure i have covered all persons and no one is missed out?
  2. upz.... may i ask why u strangling the CO2 cylinder!!! lol Ups for a sicnere seller
  3. camera phone wor..... aiya.... just come and see lor... no harm.... besides this i have other zoas to clear too
  4. i would say Lights is more than enough 10w is 1 amphere lei.... more than enough intensity.... aiya... liverocks just aint for me now... reefz and other shallow reefers know where i am going with this yea lor... thats why always think of reef tank at home!!!
  5. white light bro.... view before commiting.... doesnt mean come to my place must buy
  6. main tank: rimless 60 x 33 x 12(h)in, 3 with black oyama background sump tank: 42" x 18" x 18" glass sump split into 2 compartments drainage to sump: 2 x overflow hole diameter 40mm and 25mm lights (main tank): diy LED fixture 13 x 10w(blue) 4 x 10w (white) Lights (refuge) : 1 x 10w (pure white) wave movement: Tunze Nano Wavebox (i know... i myself shocked its powerful enough for my footprint) skimmer: -NIL- dosing: Sugar dosing daily reactors: RM first generation CR... powerful enough for my tank chiller: Pacific COO first generation chiller return: aquabee 2000 Primary Filtration: Chaeto / Refuge ,FR direct from overflow on Sorb 4 Sandbed: Shallow Sandbed
  7. anything please sms me.... those of you been to my place have seen this zoa... just clearing access
  8. Hi Bros, Have the following for sale: 3 x pink zoas $20-$40 / frag depending on size required also have a greyish /bluish (look more like dull metal) zoa for sale $30
  9. collected ... have a nice chat with Mr Starwars!! all the best in your sps reef!!
  10. highest bid by bro : Starwars71 PLEASE contact me at my mobile : 91523736
  11. my not so luminous Green Bird NEst.....
  12. Hell Fire Zoa..... I love the orangeness of this... couple of reefers tell me this is a hard to keep Zoa... Thankfully mine is still thriving...
  13. More Blinding PICS!!! Blindingly BLur... lol....
  14. thanks mr slimy again.... hope youhappy with my humble zoas...
  15. Hi ANy Souls out there selling a Nano wavebox..... Let me know... wanna buy it Regards, omar 91523736
  16. i wouldnt want that anywhere near my house.... creepy
  17. thanks bros..... just to add..... reefer who has won the bid have the right to reject upon seeing the frag if its not up to his/her expectation, Regards, Omar
  18. hope i am not blinding anybody with my lousy picsss...
  19. my Goofy.... the GSP i alr have lei... any other stuff??
  20. mr allan.... its not my sand not enough... its the darn 6060 thats making a botak patch down there.. if your sand is course i wouldnt mind.... but if its grade zero... no point put there one... sure kena blow off Wah .. so many ppl want to take pic of my tank ah.... wait ah... must count.. if not my tank botak alr.!!! Ok lor Mr VT (aka Fellow Rabbit)... can also... i absolutely no skills in "fine arts" one.... kum sia!!
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