main tank: rimless 60 x 33 x 12(h)in, 3 with black oyama background
sump tank: 42" x 18" x 18" glass sump split into 2 compartments
drainage to sump: 2 x overflow hole diameter 40mm and 25mm
lights (main tank): diy LED fixture 13 x 10w(blue) 4 x 10w (white)
Lights (refuge) : 1 x 10w (pure white)
wave movement: Tunze Nano Wavebox (i know... i myself shocked its powerful enough for my footprint)
skimmer: -NIL-
dosing: Sugar dosing daily
reactors: RM first generation CR... powerful enough for my tank
chiller: Pacific COO first generation chiller
return: aquabee 2000
Primary Filtration: Chaeto / Refuge ,FR direct from overflow on Sorb 4
Sandbed: Shallow Sandbed