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Everything posted by Copperband

  1. Bristletooth tang $15 Female swallowtail.angel $30
  2. Candy cane and favia taken... Bubble tentative reserve
  3. Request of my friend to decrease to $70 for all 3
  4. Ups... Helping a friend clear his leaking tank
  5. Selling on behalf of a friend who is decomming Bubble coral. $60 <> Candy cane coral $50 fistful Free Green favia Take both for 100
  6. I see someone has been busy stocking.... Nice la makkal
  7. Really struggling to keep the eurobrace salt creep free...
  8. Took some pictures of her reef while collecting some zoas from her
  9. $35 Please bring own container 91523736
  10. I was under the impression got some blood sacrifice... Hahaha... Nice neat reef ..
  11. You are using table salt for what purpose bro ?
  12. Bottom : Green Middle :just bought leng sy... Trying to.colour its tip.up Top: unid monti..... Top.right: orange monti turned pale pink
  13. Dear all..... After receiving numerous sms/whatsapp.... Its more apt to classify it as yellowish brown..... Comes with a big lr....
  14. Around saucer plate size...foc whatsapp for picture Omar 91523736
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