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Everything posted by zulu-lulu

  1. ohhh sorry brudder. Yes, for the seahorses $65.
  2. Brudder ok I start the bid for $65!
  3. brudder so $200 for 3 , 2 bloted and 1 ok one is it?
  4. Anyone intend to sell their old FR? I need urgently.
  5. tks for all anyawy I am using oceanic salt emmm better change
  6. yes tropic marine always cloud my tank when use mabe should consider others..jirah's perhaps My test kit just boughr 2 weeks ago but just to confirm to salifert user test kit my calcium 3 solution is blue in colour , if I am not wrong it is clear right? Perhaps the calcium 3 is contimanated...can anyone verified this
  7. Wanna convert all fish to some lps ...so dosing calcium regularly MAgnesium also. But d funny thing the Tropic MArine calcium almost finish but my salifert test still reading very low infact not detectable Can anyone help where I go wrong thank you
  8. Bro how much you asking for? The tank is sitting on table or stand?
  9. bro how much u asking? LS include?
  10. chimno nice reidi u got there. envy envy.
  11. yap , AT I think better take pics for every single 1 coz later will be easier to claim hehehhe. Ur dog too better prove u buy an expensive shampoo .LOL. well as much as I want to be compesate if it happen to me I wish QH d very best and the couple will only get what they only deserved.
  12. emmm what u tnk guyz. This couple might start a precident for all of us. No problem tank almost crash just break it. lose LS and corals but gain money . wow. so BEWARE all ILF. heheh. phew fortunately me not in this biz. 10 people behave like this soon we the real REEFers suffers. heheehhe. no stock all shop shutdown.
  13. yes, diabalous is correct. I am battling high no3 for 3 months. slowly very slowly but surely it is decreasing. I took out my "mature" sweetlip and damsels(reduce LS) . I feed much much less. once every 2 days.(cruel but must), and I get more LRs. EMM NO3 drop half from 100 to 50.so now is u bet . reefing all depends on ur self. trust uself. learn from other accounters. Which everyone here is doing. we share views u execute to ur very best instict. emm just my view. me only sincau learning too. he heh e.
  14. bro, Re**rn have a couple AT , shipment just came in 2day @ 5.
  15. wow . cool SH nice colour.anyway hounster can pm the price. thank you sir.
  16. good evening freens reefers. reports in newpaper compensate more than 1ook for crack tank. What u guys/gals think is the couple to much? I personally think it is a bit exagerating, dunt u. My gosh they claim $5000 worth of coral in a few month set up. emmmm maybe all dying so welll ...... . wow if all behave like them I assume all lfs close shop. he he he>
  17. wa pian le . hand stir. 8hrs. emmm. gd idea though. no worries my area a few blks only.( no power) Vnezia what is $6.50.so cheap tks for the ideas and concern.
  18. ya , baterry operated emm. anyone can borrow me . Btw how much it cost , where I can get it now. tkz bro lori-del.
  19. opps forget to mention its tomorrow.
  20. Everyone , urgent letter from town council NO power supply for 8 hrs! well frenz what u think my LS can survive ? Already transfer sensitif corals and other stuff to my bro's tanks. emm Help any one have a suggestion PLS help! thankz
  21. EMMM iS that tank sandless? impressive.
  22. hei gaNG , just wanna share . www.flyingseahorse.net/seahorseStory.htm
  23. lfs at yishun selling them too. 2wks ago $8/pcs.
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