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Everything posted by yiling

  1. wa...feel like robbing u nice coloration balance on your corals
  2. ya, the teardrop looks huge from the cam. Nice looking AT cheers bro !!
  3. ya, LCK got some really fat looking ones go grab yours
  4. ya, just got the kole and im going to feed it real fat As for the signature pic, i dun owned so many pbt, i got it off over the web. I doubt they will survive in captivity in such big volumes though. As for myself, i have a weakspot for PBT so how many tangs u have inside yours now ? Cheers !
  5. oh ic...its at low current area now. Will feed them soon :) But bro, what kind of meat do u mean ?
  6. can someone pls advice me on the cynarina ? how to keep them healthy ?
  7. and the sick / stress looking cynarina.
  8. hi to all reefers, Its updating time on my tank i've recently added a kole tang and a cynarina to the the tank here are the pics...
  9. hi all fellow reefers, just wondering have any of you people encounter "sand flying" i have recently found out that my '0' sand has been disturbed by the turbulence of my seios and return. is this normal? its not a greate deal of sand, maybe just a speckful? thanks for your time taken
  10. ok , i will take that in mind, but i dun think ive got the space for so many tang poo... hehe gd luck ? have u considered the alantic blue ?
  11. .................... ........................ eh...chiou man... must have cost u a
  12. haha.. i nearly got that tank u had so hows your tang doing ? any casualties yet ? Did u intro all the acanthurus all at one time ?
  13. wa, bro, i really admire your husbandry skills super clean and neat person
  14. hmm ya patience is the best virtue... gd luck bro... keep your pics coming !!
  15. hehe cool bro.. get away from that bed im in a midst of a boring lecture...u got any jokes to share ? where u going choinging tomo ?
  16. hi bro, hows your fever getting along? feeling any better ?
  17. wa... so many aquamedic products !! really your dream huh
  18. ya gouldian, if we can make it in morning, might have better ones but im satisfied with mine..hehe very SATISFIED thanks for pointing it out to me
  19. eeeeeeeeekk... must have been wrong person...hehe must clarify with diabolus lol.. paiseh
  20. wa...nice man...wish that my tank would look like that in future
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