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Everything posted by yiling

  1. haahaha seems like we have the same plight lol am thinking of searching for the list of LFS in hk before i fly there anyone happened to see this 'list' before ?
  2. think Iwarna has them. Just saw it today happy weekend ahead
  3. Anyone selling used SANDER wood driven skimmer ? am interested in getting pls PM me if u got it upz for sale Happy weekend ahead...
  4. hahah bian tai !! i just seen a hybid tang in LCK110 yest.
  5. im using the 20HF from rio and a tank of 3x2x2 but i reckon a 14HF or 17HF is sufficient for ya
  6. so is there any place to visit apart from mongkok ? am planning a trip to HK soon...haha
  7. There is a club in Clake quay, that has a few tanks in it . They have a shark only tank, a lionfish only tank, a school of BT tank etc. Think the place is called gotham penthouse. Sounds like the house of a fellow reefer ?!?
  8. check this out http://reefcentral.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=1&thumb=1
  9. y dun u just get a new one ? think SL got some of them
  10. no wonder ... it looked stress. i thought it looked better that way ma
  11. looks so stressed weird le , my water conditions arent that bad but dunno y some of my corals not doing well for ex, my heliofungia plate died, and this stressed my water conditions are NH4 = 0.03 PO4 = 0.01 PH= 8 Ca= 480 NO2=0 NO3=0 KH= 8.5 can anyone pls advice?
  12. Hehe ANG ANG trachy !! i was told to leave it at SB but i didnt. hehe
  13. Am using the olympus mju mini lo. Think i will be getting be borrowing a tripod from my cousin to test test this coming week end
  14. ya! WM 's sun is crazy ..looks like really greedy ..lol ya , your tank looks abit bare now.
  15. ya, its good to hear that kudos to jeffcher
  16. swee bro wh how long u intro your PBT liao huh ? eating straightaway ?
  17. yo bro, hows the tilefish doing ? got no pic ar ?
  18. lots of potential bro More pics le...dun shy !!
  19. hi there, where did u acquire this beauty eh?
  20. wa, alot of IT experts in SRC :)
  21. nice angel !! hmm PBT aka the legendary ich magnet
  22. ya, my tank is from gerald too. u can check my link if u want photos
  23. hehe sakapua, i can bring but later auntie throw me out of jackson opps, i thought only distribution is not allowed. Yahoo auctions has tons of them
  24. Anyone interested in buying Vintage Brandy? It has been stored in the cellar for close to 20 years or more(Used to be the collection of my granddad's). Till my Father wants me to sell them off to make space. I do have bottles of Renault Cognac, Remy Martin Cognac, Couviosier Cognac, Martell supreme and Remy Martin XO for sale(I have a few bottles for each of these) ps, pls pm me if interested:) Cheers !
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